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Pulse Command

Joseph Axisa edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Pulse Command

The command henry pulse runs a number of tests that help determine the overall instance health. A healthy Looker instance should pass all the tests. Below is a list of tests currently implemented.

Connection Checks

Runs specific tests for each connection to make sure the connection is in working order. If any tests fail, the output will show which tests passed or failed for that particular connection. Example:

| Connection       | Status                                                                                               |
| thelook          | -- Failed to create or write to pdt connection registration table tmp.connection_reg_r3 : Connection |
|                  | registration error for thelook: max registrations reached for connection thelook                     |
| assets_analytics | OK                                                                                                   |
| events_ecommerce | OK                                                                                                   |

Query Stats

Checks how many queries were run over the past 30 days and how many of them errored or got killed as well as some statistics around runtimes times. It also outputs the IDs of queries that take longer than 5 times the average to run.

Scheduled Plans

Determines the number of scheduled jobs that ran in the past 30 days, how many were successful, how many ran but did not deliver or failed to run altogether.

Legacy Features

Outputs a list of legacy features that are still in use if any. These are features that have been replaced with improved ones and should be moved away from.


Checks if the latest Looker version is being used. Looker supports only up to 3 releases back.