This repository contains the development of the new osCommerce website powered by the osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 framework.
The initial code is to propose template engine functionality to add to osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0.
An installation of osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0 is required:
The following directory structure is used as an example:
- oscommerce - osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0
- oscommerce_website - osCommerce Website
Once the files have been cloned from the "oscommerce_website" repository, the following directories must be symlinked to the "oscommerce" installation:
mkdir oscommerce/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Site
cd oscommerce/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Site
ln -s ../../../../../oscommerce_website/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Site/Website Website
ln -s ../../../../../oscommerce_website/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Site/Admin Admin
ln -s ../../../../../oscommerce_website/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Site/_skel _skel
cd ..
ln -s ../../../../oscommerce_website/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Template Template
ln -s ../../../../oscommerce_website/osCommerce/OM/Custom/Exception Exception
cd ../../../public/sites
ln -s ../../../oscommerce_website/public/sites/Website Website
cd ../external
ln -s ../../../oscommerce_website/public/external/bootstrap bootstrap
ln -s ../../../oscommerce_website/public/external/less less
A configuration block is also required in osCommerce/OM/Config/settings.ini, which can be copied from an existing block:
enable_ssl = "false"
http_server = "http://your-server"
https_server = "http://your-server"
http_cookie_domain = ""
https_cookie_domain = ""
http_cookie_path = "/oscommerce/"
https_cookie_path = "/oscommerce/"
dir_ws_http_server = "/oscommerce/"
dir_ws_https_server = "/oscommerce/"
db_server = "localhost"
db_server_username = "nobody"
db_server_password = ""
db_server_port = ""
db_database = "oscommerce"
db_driver = "MySQL\V5"
db_table_prefix = "osc_"
db_server_persistent_connections = "false"
store_sessions = "Database"
The website is accessed with the following URL:
Please review the following forum topic for discussions on the template engine functionality.
Although the source code to new osCommerce website will be available, it will not be packaged together with osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0.
Making the source code available serves to showcase the capabilities of the framework and to kickstart the initiative of a general purpose CMS Site that can be packaged with osCommerce Online Merchant v3.0.