This is the source code of my master thesis Fast Global Hessian Assembly in Finite Element Simulations
You can find the paper here.
cargo run --release --example beam --features log 1e3 0.33 0.01 1e3 20 80 1.0 0.125 0.0 0 name comment 200 no 10 true 20
this is the beam simulation in the thesis, and you can change the parameters as you want
1e3: Young's modulus
0.33: Poisson's ratio
0.01: time step
1e3: density
20: number of row
80: number of columns
1.0: damping ratio
0.125: size of the square
0.0: epsilon
0: k
name: name of the generated sequences
comment: comment in the log file
200: frames
no: hessian modifications, options are no(no modification), flip(flip the negative eigenvalues) remove(truncate the negative eigenvalues),
10: precision of float number in the file name (doesn't matter very much)
true: uniform mesh or non-uniform
20: random seed
after that, you will see the log files in 'output/log', each folder is one simulation with the same physical parameters. For all the files inside one folder, are different epsilon and k
If you want to visualize the result, you can run it with cargo run --release --example beam --features save
with the same other parameters. But output/mesh
this folder must exist before running the code. After it, it will generate a sequence of mesh files in the folder output/mesh
This is another circle simulation in the thesis
cargo run --example circle --release --features log 1e4 0.33 0.01 1e3 1 25 1.0 0.0 0 name nothing 20 no 10
1e4: Young's modulus
0.33: Poisson's ratio
0.01: time step
1e3: density
1: radius of the circle
25: resolution of the circle, see here for the algorithm
1.0: damping ratio
0.0: epsilon
0: k
name: name of the sequence
nothing: comment in the log file
20: number of frames
no: hessian modification
10: precision of float number in the file name (not very important)