A Lightweight Web-based Task Management Application for organizing daily tasks built entirely with vanilla JavaScript and CSS! Javascript is used in this project to handle all task and project management utility functions and interaction with local storage via WebStorage API. The app provides an intuitive and easy to use UI styled with CSS.
live demo: https://lostqubit.github.io/Todo-App/
- View All Projects: Users can create and view a list of all their projects, each containing its own set of tasks.
- View All Todos in Each Project: Within each project, users can view all associated tasks in a clear and organized manner.
- Add Tasks: Users can input and add new tasks to their to-do list within any project.
- Expand a Single Todo to See/Edit Its Details: Each task can be expanded to display and edit its details, including description, due date, and priority.
- Mark as Complete: Tasks can be marked as complete, visually distinguishing them from pending tasks.
- Delete a Todo: Users can delete individual tasks from their to-do list.
- Persistent Storage: Tasks and projects are saved in the browser's local storage, allowing users to maintain their list across sessions.
Work done as a part of "The Odin Project" Open Source curriculum.