Quick way to integrate Liquid basic analytics using your current mixpanel/localytics/google analytics integration.
- Add the plugin to your
classpath 'com.uphyca.gradle:gradle-android-aspectj-plugin:0.9.+'
- Apply the
apply plugin: 'android-aspectj'
- Add Liquid dependency
dependencies {
// Your Dependencies
compile 'io.lqd:liquid-android:+@aar'
- Add mixpanel dependency:
compile 'com.onliquid:liquid-mixpanel:+@aar'
- Make sure that you initialize Liquid singleton before initializing mixpanel:
Liquid.initialize(this, "LIQUID_TOKEN", true);
MixpanelAPI.getInstance(this, "MIXPANEL_TOKEN");
- Add localytics dependency:
compile 'com.onliquid:liquid-localytics:+@aar'
- Make sure that you initialize Liquid singleton before initializing localytics:
Liquid.initialize(this, "LIQUID_TOKEN", true);
new LocalyticsActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this, "LOCALYTICS_TOKEN")
- Add Google Analytics dependency:
compile 'com.onliquid:liquid-googleanalytics:+@aar'
- Make sure that you initialize Liquid singleton before send data to google analytics
Liquid.initialize(this, "LIQUID_TOKEN", true);
To use all the Liquid features please integrate our SDK.
We recommend you to read the full documentation.
Liquid Data Intelligence, S.A.
Liquid is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.