A simple terminal emulator in clojure.
I thought it would be fun. There's not much code. All of the ANSI parsing work is done by asciinema/vt. membrane.term
is just small UI on top.
Some reasons to use membrane.term:
- If you need to programmatically control, inspect, drive, or manipulate a terminal
- If you want to learn more about how terminal emulators work.
- If you'd like to embed a terminal somewhere. There's not really a guide for embedding, but if you file an issue, I can provide some tips.
{:git/sha "d09d563ee9c1677ee9a2ecd186f84bb6214e94f7"
:git/url "https://github.com/phronmophobic/membrane.term"}
Open a terminal window.
clojure -X com.phronemophobic.membrane.term/run-term :width 90 :height 30
Run a script in a headless terminal and write an image to terminal.png.
clojure -X com.phronemophobic.membrane.term/run-script :path '"script.sh"'
The script is passed to the terminal character by character. The script also accepts the following optional arguments:
: number of columns for the terminal. default 90
: number of rows for the terminal. default 30
: filename of the image to write to. default "terminal.png"
: If you type a command like lein repl
, the underlying program might not be ready to accept input immediately. You can specify a delay in ms to wait after each line is sent to the terminal. default 1000.
: For the same reasons as line-delay
, there is a final delay before writing the view of the terminal. default 10000.
clojure -X com.phronemophobic.membrane.term/run-script :path '"script.sh"' :width 120 :height 30 :final-delay 30e3 :line-delay 0 :out '"foo.jpg"'
Copyright © 2021 Adrian Smith
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.