Boilerplate code for starting Coding Dojos, each folder contains a unit testing framework configured with an initial test.
git clone
Select the unit testing framework of your preference. Check the README for instructions on how to run the test. Select the Code Kata and start coding!
Some sites to find Code Katas for a Coding Dojo:
- Coding Dojo Wiki
- CodeKata
- Coders Dojo Code Kata Catalogue
- 12meses12katas
- Rosatta Code: More than 600 programming tasks.
- lshimokawa: java-junit, javascript-jasmine, javascript-qunit, ruby-minitest-unit, ruby-rspec
- frodsan: coffeescript-jasmine, javascript-qunit-minispade
- florent2: ruby-minitest-spec
- adrianmoya: php-phpunit
- woakas: python-nose, python-unitest
- JuanjoFuchs: csharp-nunit
- delucas: groovy-junit
- [kleer]
To contribute create a new folder named [programming language]-[testing framework] in lower case.
Example: ruby-rspec
Inside include a with configuration instructions and how to run the first test.
Create the first test and implementation of the String Calculator Kata as a sample.