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philcali edited this page Dec 12, 2011 · 3 revisions

The enrollment module gives the developer working on outside plugins a way to interact directly with the enrollment process through the public API, synonymously, the ues object.

If you would rather look at the source, all of the public functions are conveniently located in publiclib.php

Common Uses

  • Include UES library code
  • Generate string generator function
  • Reprocessing Enrollment
    • by Moodle course
    • by individual sections
    • by department
  • Manipulating Enrollment
  • Handle errors
  • Drop semesters

Include UES Library Code

This is especially useful for developers working on plugins or extensions of their own.

  • require_daos: includes UES dao's and base classes
  • require_extensions: include UES provider and processor base classes
  • require_libs: includes UES dao's and provider base classes

Generate String Generation

Even calls to get_string can become verbose quickly. UES provides the ability to make things simpler.

  • str_gen: creates a get_string partially applied function to the plugin in question
$_s = ues::str_gen("my_block");


// equivalent to get_string("pluginname", "my_block");


The enrollment module is scheduled to run daily somewhere in the hour of your choosing in cron. By this time, new enrollment information may be available. To reprocess a course on demand (fetches new enrollment from the provider and performs enrollment):

$errors = ues::reprocess_course($course); // Done

The following reprocess functions are available:

  • reprocess_course takes in a Moodle course
  • reprocess_department takes in a ues_course and a ues_semester
  • reprocess_sections takes in a collection of ues_sections
  • reprocess_for takes in a ues_teacher, and reprocesses all section for him / her

Note: reprocess_for will only work if the provider supports_reverse_lookups.

Manipulating Enrollment

  • enroll_users: Creates Moodle role assignments that match the UES tables
  • unenroll_users: Drops Moodle role assignments that match the UES tables
  • inject_manifest: Unenrolls and then enrolls specific sections using a certain manifest

Outside systems may add or modify how Moodle data is representing the enrollment data (the enrollment process is actually very simple).

$sections = ues_section::from_course($course);

// Going to unenroll everyone

// Going to re-enroll everyone

A common idiom is: unenroll users, do some work, enroll users / create courses. The inject_manifest function takes care of this for you.

ues::inject_manifest($sections, function($section) use ($newid) {
    $section->idnumber = $newid;

Why call it inject_manifest? When called in such a way, that is exactly what the public API is doing for you.

Handle Errors

The ues objects provides a way to reprocess selected errors.

$errors = ues_error::get_all(array("name" => "custom"));

$receive_report = true;

ues::reprocess_errors($errors, $receive_report);

Drop Semester

$dead_semester = ues_semester::get(...);


This will not only remove the UES semester and data associated with but call the appropriate events for extensions tied to this data.