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How to use the ToRat Docker Image

lu4p edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 2 revisions


git clone
cd ./ToRat
sudo docker build . -t torat
sudo docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/dist:/dist_ext torat


  1. Install Docker on Linux


  1. Clone this repo via git
git clone
  1. Change Directory to ToRat
cd ./ToRat
  1. Build the ToRat Docker Container
  • you need to build a part of the container yourself to get a own onion address and certificate all prerequisites are met by the prebuilt torat-pre image in other to make quick build times possible
sudo docker build . -t torat
  1. Run the container
  • will drop directly into the ToRat Server shell
  • the -v flag copies the compiled binaries to the host file system
  • to connect a machine to the server shell just run one of the client binaries on another system
sudo docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/dist:/dist_ext torat
  1. In another shell run the client.
sudo chown $USER dist/ -R
cd dist/dist/client/
  1. See the client connect

In your Server shell you should now see something like [+] New Client H9H2FHFuvUs9Jz8U connected! You can now select this client by running select in the Server Shell which will give you a nice interactive chooser for the client you want to connect to. After you choose a client you drop in an interactive shell on the client system.


Contents of ToRat/dist after docker run

$ find ./dist
./dist/dist/client/client_linux                   # linux client binary
./dist/dist/client/client_windows.exe             # windows client binary
./dist/dist/server/key.pem                              # tls private-key
./dist/dist/server/banner.txt                           # banner
./dist/dist/server/cert.pem                             # tls cert
./dist/dist/server/ToRat_server                         # linux server binary
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