Tags: lucaceresoli/docs
buildroot-legal-info talk for FOSDEM 2020 Talk page: https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/buildroot_license_compliance/ Title: License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot Abstract: Producing a Linux-based electronic device requires to put together lots of open source software packages, which is a complex task. Complying to the licensing obligations for each of them is also complex, especially if you are not a lawyer. Not complying is immoral, illegal and risky. Discover how your build system can help you! With live demos, Luca will introduce you to: * how Buildroot builds all the needed software components in a simple way; * which are the obligations for the most common licenses; * what Buildroot can (and what it cannot) do to help you in being compliant.
video-serdes-linux talk for ELC-E 2019 Talk page: https://sched.co/WGiC Title: Supporting Video (de)serializers in Linux: Challenges and Works in Progress Abstract: Video serializer and deserializer chipsets are more and more used in embedded Linux systems to transmit raw video at several meters distance. Yet the kernel still lacks support for them, despite the attempts seen so far. Luca will give an overview of the existing chips and the current mainlining attempts. He will then introduce the peculiar requirements of his application and the idea behind his implementation effort. Special attention will be given to the current limitations of V4L2 and Device Tree that prevent to fully exploit the hotplug features of the chips, and how they influenced his implementation. The I2C address translation available in some chips, and how to model it in the kernel, will also be covered.
buildroot-yocto-daily talk for Linux-Lab 2018 Talk page: https://www.linux-lab.it/page/1435393 Title: Buildroot vs Yocto: Differences for Your Daily Job Abstract: Buildroot and Yocto, the two leading embedded Linux buildsystems, have largely overlapping goals but vastly different implementations. Perhaps you’re familiar with either, and wonder how your daily job would change if you used the other. Luca will share insights he gained while managing projects with both tools, spending a lot of time in learning how to achieve the same goals in a different way. He will give a sort of “translation table” to ease the transition between the two, covering: bootstrapping a project, what happens under the hood, invoking the build, customizing the rootfs and tweaking recipes.
buildroot-yocto-daily talk for ELC-E 2018 Talk page: https://sched.co/FwGQ Title: Buildroot vs Yocto: Differences for Your Daily Job Abstract: Buildroot and Yocto, the two leading embedded Linux buildsystems, have largely overlapping goals but vastly different implementations. Perhaps you're familiar with either, and wonder how your daily job would change if you used the other. Luca will share insights he gained while managing projects with both tools, spending a lot of time in learning how to achieve the same goals in a different way. He will give a sort of "translation table" to ease the transition between the two, covering: bootstrapping a project, what happens under the hood, invoking the build, customizing the rootfs and tweaking recipes.
buildroot-intro talk for Linux Day 2018 @ BgLUG Event page: https://bglug.it/linux-day-2018/programma-linux-day-2018/ Title: Buildroot --- Making Embedded Linux Easy Abstract: Buildroot permette di generare tutto il software necessario per un sistema Linux Embedded. In questo workshop pratico esploreremo i suoi princìpi di funzionamento, lo useremo per dar vita da zero ad un sistema embedded e personalizzarlo aggiungendo componenti.
Talk for FOSDEM 2017 Talk page: https://fosdem.org/2018/schedule/event/arm64_and_fpga/ Title/subtitle: ARM64 + FPGA and more: Linux on the Xilinx ZynqMP Opportunities and challenges from a powerful and complex chip Abstract: The Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC (aka ZynqMP) is a powerful and complex chip featuring 64-bit cores, 32-bit realtime cores, a large FPGA, a GPU, video codecs and dedicated power management and security units. Luca will first give a brief overview of the hardware architecture and how it differs from other SoCs. Then he will explain with technical details how Linux can fully leverage the SoC resources. FPGA and booting issues will be covered in detail, but using the hardware accelerators and software support will also be discussed. The main topics covered will be: * Overview of the hardware. * Available software support from Xilinx and from the community. * How the peculiar CPU+FPGA design effectively allows to design "your own SoC", with the technical steps to implement this with Linux. * Why booting is nontrivial on this SoC and the currently available ways to boot Linux. * Handling the H.264/H.265 hardware codecs. * GPU support issues. Focus will be given to how much open source technologies can be used with the ZynqMP SoCs, why this matters, and the current status of open source resources with respect to the alternatives.
make-automake-cmake talk for Linux Day 2017 Event page: https://bglug.it/linux-day-2017/programma-linux-day-2017/ Title: Build Automation: Introduzione a Make, Autotools e CMake Abstract: Tradurre il codice sorgente (ad esempio C o C++) in un eseguibile richiede vari passi: ricerca delle librerie, compilazione, linking... Come automatizzarli? Quali strumenti sono più adatti per un software open source? Scopriamo i tre più usati: Make, Autotools e CMake.
terrible-bsp talk for ELC-E 2017 Talk page: https://osseu17.sched.com/event/ByYY?iframe=no Title: How I survived to a SoC with a terrible Linux BSP Abstract: System-on-Chip vendors typically provide a board support package (BSP) which should be a good starting point to develop the software for an embedded Linux system. However they often seem to misunderstand what the software designers need, and deliver something that makes their life harder without any apparent benefit. In this talk Luca will share some of his experiences with such vendor BSPs, featuring jurassic kernels, broken drivers, non-existing bootloaders, code of appallingly bad quality, ineffective customer support and Windows-only tools. You will discover why he spent weeks in understanding, fixing and working around BSPs instead of just using them. Luca will discuss the effects on the final product quality, what the options are when you face such a BSP, and what both hackers and vendors can do to improve the situation for everybody's benefit.
Slide text-processing-cmdline usate per la quarta puntata del corso "Linux dalla Console": http://www.bglug.it/evento/linux-dalla-console-quarta-serata/ È una versione molto estesa del talk del Linux Day 2016.
Talk for FOSDEM 2017 Talk page: https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/terrible_bsp/ Title/subtitle: How I survived to a SoC with a terrible Linux BSP Working with jurassic vendor kernels, missing pieces and buggy code Abstract: System-on-Chip vendors typically provide a board support package (BSP) which should be a good starting point to develop the software for an embedded Linux system. However they often seem to misunderstand what the software designers want, and deliver something that makes their life harder without any apparent benefit. In this talk Luca will share some of his experiences with such vendor BSPs, featuring jurassic kernels, non-working drivers, non-existing bootloaders, code of appallingly bad quality, ineffective customer support and Windows-only tools. You will discover why he spent weeks in understanding, fixing and working around BSPs instead of just using them. The effects on the final product quality will be described as well. Luca will also discuss what the options are when you face such a BSP, and what both hackers and vendors can do to improve the situation for everybody's benefit.