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AVRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers. The project aims to provide an efficient and highly configurable RTOS solution for AVR-based systems. Fully C/C++ compliant, AVRTOS is compatible with the AVR-GCC toolchain, Arduino and PlatformIO frameworks.


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AVRTOS: An RTOS for 8-bit AVR Microcontrollers


AVRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) crafted for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers. It aims to provide an efficient and highly configurable RTOS solution for AVR-based systems. Fully C/C++ compliant, AVRTOS is compatible with the AVR-GCC toolchain, Arduino and PlatformIO frameworks, it can even be emulated using QEMU.

AVRTOS has been successfully tested on the following AVR architectures:

  • AVR5, particularly ATmega328p
  • AVR6, especially ATmega2560

Please bear in mind that as a personal project, it doesn't come with any guarantees. I hope you find AVRTOS as exciting to use as I found it to develop !

Please refer to for troubleshooting and development notes.


AVRTOS offers an extensive list of features, including:

  • Cooperative and preemptive threads
  • Naive scheduler without priority support
  • Configurable system clock with support for all hardware timers (e.g. 0-2 for ATmega328p and 0-5 for ATmega2560)
  • Synchronization objects like mutexes, semaphores, workqueues (+delayables), FIFOs, message queues, memory slabs, flags, signals
  • Drivers for UART, timers, GPIO, SPI, I2C and external interrupts
  • Devices drivers for TCN75, MCP2515
  • Thread sleep with up to 65-second duration in simple mode (extendable using high-precision time objects)
  • Scheduler lock/unlock to temporarily prevent preemption for preemptive threads
  • Thread switching from interrupts
  • Runtime creation for many kernel objects (threads, mutexes, semaphores, workqueues, fifos, memory slabs, ...)
  • Diagnostics: Thread canaries and sentinel stack protection
  • Events and timers
  • Atomic API for 8-bit variables
  • Macro-based logging subsystem
  • Uptime API
  • Data structures: singly and doubly linked lists, queues, ring buffers, timeout queue

Additional Features:

  • Thread naming with symbols (e.g., 'M' for the main thread, 'I' for the idle thread)
  • Pseudorandom number generator (LFSR)
  • Debugging and utility functions (RAM_DUMP, CORE_DUMP, z_read_ra)
  • Kernel assertions (__ASSERT)
  • Custom error codes (e.g., EAGAIN, EINVAL, EIO, ENOMEM, ...)
  • Thread safe termination (excluding main thread)
  • stdout redirection to USART0
  • Various wait variants (e.g., k_sleep, k_wait with modes IDLE, ACTIVE, BLOCK and z_cpu_block_us)
  • Reset reason detection
  • Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile templates for CI/CD
  • Full compatibility with QEMU emulation

Planned Features (TODOs):

  • Comprehensive tests
  • Enhanced documentation based on mkdocs (and doxygen ??)
  • Ultra-low duration sleep (e.g., 18us) using a dedicated timer counter with API: uscounter_init(), uscounter_get(), uscounter_set
  • Functions like sys_le32_read/write
  • Utilizing sysclock for thread wake-up granularity (k_sleep) instead of timeslice
    • Option to select SYSCLOCK or TIMESLICE as the scheduling point (KERNEL_SCHEDULING_EVENT)
    • Note on using k_busy_wait(K_USEC(20u)) for precise short-duration waits
  • Thread priority implementation
  • Per-thread CPU usage statistics
  • Polling mechanisms
  • ADC drivers
  • Memory heap management
  • Runtime detection of available space for the main thread stack (init)
  • Consideration of available heap space
  • Refactoring: Move or remove unused AVRTOS_VERSION_MAJOR variables
  • Organize MCU specific fixups and board-specific items in a dedicated "board" directory
  • Relocation of assembly files to "arch/avr"
  • Consolidation of private defines in _private.h headers
  • Investigation of high metric readings
  • Tickless kernel + timeslicing features
  • Renaming "static inline" functions to "__always_inline"
  • Implementation of builtin_ctz for 8-bit variables
  • Removal of outdated samples
  • Tutorial
  • Kconfig to configure the kernel and generate the configuration file
  • make the kernel ISR aware with a dedicated ISR stack (can IDLE thread be reused?)
  • Sample for discovering the I2C bus
  • Doubly linked list implementation for tqueue for optimized removal


Example minimal-example configures an usart, and blink a led at a frequency of 1Hz. Morover, typing a character on the serial console will wake up a thread which will print the received character.





 * Copyright (c) 2022 Lucas Dietrich <[email protected]>
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <avrtos/avrtos.h>
#include <avrtos/debug.h>
#include <avrtos/drivers/gpio.h>
#include <avrtos/drivers/usart.h>
#include <avrtos/logging.h>
#include <avrtos/misc/led.h>

K_MSGQ_DEFINE(usart_msgq, 1u, 16u);

static void thread_usart(void *arg);
static void thread_led(void *arg);

K_THREAD_DEFINE(th_usart, thread_usart, 164u, K_COOPERATIVE, NULL, 'X');
K_THREAD_DEFINE(th_led, thread_led, 164u, K_COOPERATIVE, NULL, 'L');

	const char c = USART0_DEVICE->UDRn;

	k_msgq_put(&usart_msgq, &c, K_NO_WAIT);

int main(void)
	const struct usart_config usart_config = {
		.baudrate    = USART_BAUD_115200,
		.receiver    = 1u,
		.transmitter = 1u,
		.parity	     = USART_PARITY_NONE,
		.stopbits    = USART_STOP_BITS_1,
		.databits    = USART_DATA_BITS_8,
		.speed_mode  = USART_SPEED_MODE_NORMAL,
	ll_usart_init(USART0_DEVICE, &usart_config);


	LOG_INF("Application started");



static void thread_usart(void *arg)
	char c;
	for (;;) {
		if (k_msgq_get(&usart_msgq, &c, K_FOREVER) >= 0) {
			LOG_INF("<inf> Received: %c", c);

static void thread_led(void *arg)
	for (;;) {
		LOG_DBG("<dbg> toggled LED");

Build and flash using PlatformIO. Expected output on the serial console:


AVRTOS is highly configurable, file src/avrtos/avrtos_conf.h lists all the default configuration options.

For arduino framework, a dedicated configuration file is provided in src/avrtos/avrtos_conf_arduino.h.


Several build systems are supported:

  • Cmake
  • Arduino IDE
  • PlatformIO (with and without Arduino Framework)

Arduino IDE

Install the Arduino IDE (1 or 2) from

Copy complete AVRTOS folder to your Arduino libraries folder.

Open the Arduino IDE and select your board/port.

Select the sample :

Build and upload the sample.


Build, flash and monitor samples

PlatformIO extension for VSCode is recommended (platformio.platformio-ide). Simply select your sample and build it.

Use AVRTOS as a library dependency in your project

You can clone this repository in your project's lib folder, a typical platformio.ini file would look like this:

platform = atmelavr
board = pro16MHzatmega328
; board = megaatmega2560

upload_port = COM3
monitor_port = COM3
monitor_speed = 115200

build_src_filter = 

build_flags = 
    ; -Wl,-T./avrtos-avr6.xn

	; other options ...

An example project which uses AVRTOS as a dependency can be found here:


To build the samples with cmake, you'll need to have avr-gcc, avr-gcc-c++, avr-libc, avr-binutils, cmake, make, ninja-build installed, avr-gdb, avrdude and qemu-system-avr are optional

To configure your environnement for an Arduino Mega 2560, run the following commands:

cmake -S . -B build \

You can also specify the generator :

cmake -S . -B build \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake/avr6-atmega2560.cmake" \
  -DCMAKE_GENERATOR="Unix Makefiles"

You can also provide the device where the program will be flashed, this enables make commands like make upload_sample_program:

cmake -S . -B build \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake/avr6-atmega2560.cmake" \

To build the minimal_example program, run the following command (Replace ninja with make if you specified the Unix Makefiles generator) :

make -C build sample_minimal_example

To flash the binary to your device, run the following command:

make -C build upload_sample_minimal_example

Monitor the serial console with miniterm:

BAUDRATE=115200 make monitor

Custom target (Cmake)

In case you have a custom target (e.g. a board not explicitly supported by AVRTOS), you can create a custom avr<version>-<target>.cmake file and specify it with the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE option.

A toolchain file has the following structure:

set(F_CPU 16000000UL)
set(MCU atmega328p)
set(LINKER_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../architecture/avr/avrtos-avr5-atmega328p.xn)
set(QEMU_MCU uno)
set(PROG_TYPE wiring) # arduino
set(PROG_PARTNO m328p)

Option Description
F_CPU Defines the CPU clock frequency.
MCU Specifies the target microcontroller unit (MCU) as ATmega328P. See list
LINKER_SCRIPT Sets the linker script path for the project. Linker scripts location: architecture/avr
QEMU_MCU (QEMU only) Specifies the target microcontroller unit (MCU) for QEMU simulation as "uno." Can be listed with command qemu-system-avr -machine help
PROG_TYPE (real board only) Sets the programming type to "wiring." Can be listed with command avrdude -c help
PROG_PARTNO m328p Specifies the target microcontroller part number as "m328p." Can be listed with command avrdude -c ${PROG_TYPE} -p help
FEATURE_TIMER_COUNT Sets the number of 16-bit timers available on the target.
FEATURE_UART_COUNT Sets the number of UARTs available on the target.
include(...) Includes the AVR architecture generic cmake file

Custom target (PlatformIO)

In order to describe a custom target with PlatformIO, please refer to the example platformio.ini file from section Use AVRTOS as a library dependency in your project.

Run/debug in QEMU

Note about AVR support in QEMU: You will have limited support for peripherals: all UART are supported, however only 16-bit timers are supported.

Moreover you'll need to apply the following patch to QEMU (<= 8.0.2): scripts/patches/0001-Fix-handling-of-AVR-interrupts-above-33-by-switching.patch to have all 16-bit timers working.

In case you want to emulate you program with QEMU:

cmake -S . -B build \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake/avr6-atmega2560.cmake" \

This enables targets like run_sample_* and qemu_sample_*. For example, to run the minimal-example program in QEMU, run the following command:

ninja -C build run_sample_minimal_example

To exit QEMU, press Ctrl+A and then x.

If you want to debug your program with QEMU, run the following command:

ninja -C build qemu_sample_minimal_example

With VS Code, select QEMU (avr) configuration, then press F5 to start debugging (launch.json configuration is automatically generated during build).

Use Makefile

The Makefile at the root of the project provides shortcut commands to build and flash samples.

Build a sample for QEMU

In order to build the sample shell for QEMU run:

QEMU=ON SAMPLE=shell make

Run it with:

make run_qemu

Debug it with:

make qemu

Build a sample for a custom target

In order to build the sample drv-timer for a custom target run:

TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake/avr5-board-caniot-tiny-pb.cmake" SAMPLE="drv-timer" make single

Upload it with:

make upload

Monitor it with:

make monitor

Build in Docker container

Two Dockerfile are provided to build the project in a container (based on Fedora)

Build the container with:

docker build -t fedora-avr-toolchain -f scripts/Dockerfile-base .

Run the container with (Z flag is required with SELinux)

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/avrtos:Z fedora-avr-toolchain

Build the project within it:

cd /avrtos
cmake -S . -B build \
	-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake/avr6-atmega2560.cmake" \
ninja -C build sample_minimal_example

Run the sample in QEMU:

ninja -C build run_sample_minimal_example


A Jenkinsfile is provided to build the project in a Jenkins (multibranch) pipeline.

It is based on the previous Docker container: devops/fedora-avr-toolchain


AVRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) designed specifically for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers. The project aims to provide an efficient and highly configurable RTOS solution for AVR-based systems. Fully C/C++ compliant, AVRTOS is compatible with the AVR-GCC toolchain, Arduino and PlatformIO frameworks.








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