Built with GatsbyJS.
- 100vh body content - blog nav and footer should be sticky footers
- sticky header and sprinkles - only when the screen is wide enough to allow the content to flow between them - else they are no longer sticky or maybe just redesigned to work on mobile?
sprinkles should go away on mobile -
sprinkles should go away on print - about and contact layout css
- syntax highlighting
- misc post formatting
- make home page mobile friendly
- images in posts are broken or missing
- illustrations are missing from early posts
- update about page
- break up home page list into years
- categories? should i have another for DnD or just add icons of some sort? do I need catgories? How does this impact blog navigation?
- es2 page
- improve seo
- 404 page template
- remove cruft pages (from the bootstrapping)
- fix all console warnings
- move all images from imgur (offline mode broken without this for some posts and all comics) have a sane approach to organizing these...
- fix codepens (not working locally - do they work in production?)
- font flicker?
- deploy in place of existing jekyll site
- get luetkemj.com to redirect proper