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The Event Reminder is a simple web application based on Flask framework, Bootstrap framework and FullCalendar full-sized JavaScript calendar. The main objective of the application is to remind users about upcoming events or other matters. Application uses Celery to handle background (asynchronous) processes.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Event Reminder

Python 3.7.7 Flask 1.1.1 MIT license

The Event Reminder is a simple web application based on Flask framework, Bootstrap UI framework and FullCalendar full-sized JavaScript calendar.

The main purpose of the Event Reminder application is to send notifications about upcoming events to selected users. The application allows a standard user to enter event data, process it and display with the FullCalendar API. Moreover, the application has a built-in admin panel for the management of users, events, notification service, display app related logs and basic system info on app dashboard partly based on Chart.js. Sending reminder messages through the notification service is performed by third-party SMTP e-mail server and Celery/Celery Readbeat libraries. The application has implemented integration with the Elasticsearch search engine.

Getting Started

Below instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Project is created with the following Python third party packages:

Installation with virtualenv tool

The application can be build locally with virtualenv tool. Run following commands in order to create virtual environment and install the required packages.

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment variables

The Event Reminder application depends on some specific environment variables. To run application successfully the environment variables should be stored in .env file in the root application directory (event-reminder dir).

Replace the values in .env-example with your own values and rename this file to .env

# '.env' file example:
APPLICATION_MODE='development'                      # for development will use SQLite db
# APPLICATION_MODE='production'                     # for production will use PostgreSQL db
DEV_DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///app.db                   # example for SQLite
PROD_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://reminderuser:password@db:5432/reminderdb     # example for PostgreSQL
[email protected]                # account which will be used for SMTP email service
MAIL_PASSWORD=yourpassword                          # password for above account
CHECK_EMAIL_DOMAIN='False'                          # if 'True' validate whether email domain/MX record exist
ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://localhost:9200             # optional
CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0          # Celery config
SESSION_REDIS=redis://localhost:6379/2              # session-server
CACHE_REDIS=redis://localhost:6379/3                # caching-server

The .env file will be imported by application on startup.

Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch is not required to run the Event Reminder application. Without the specified ELASTICSEARCH_URL variable and/or running the Elasticsearch node, the application will run, but no search function will be available.

The fastest and easiest way to start Elasticsearch node is to run it in Docker container. You can obtain Elasticsearch for Docker issuing below command (examples for 7.7.0 version):

$ docker pull

Then start a single node cluster with Docker:

$ docker run --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -d

Redis server

Redis server is required to start application. Redis is used as a session server (server-side) and Celery broker.

The fastest and easiest way to start Redis is to run it in Docker container.

$ docker run --name redis-event -d -p 6379:6379 redis

Running the app

Before running the Event Reminder app you can use script to initialize database and add some dummy data that can be used later in the processing.

# Below script will create default admin username 'admin' with password 'admin'
(venv) $ python
# You can create a different user instead of the default one using proper options. Below example for username 'bob' with password 'LikePancakes123#'.
(venv) $ python -u bob -p LikePancakes123#
# For more info please use:
(venv) $ python --help

After adding dummy data, you can start the application. First of all set the FLASK_APP environment variable to point script and then invoke flask run command.

# On the first terminal run:
(venv) $ cd reminder/
(venv) $ export
# in MS Windows OS run 'set'
(venv) $ flask run

In order to use the notification service correctly, the Celery Beat and Celery Worker should be activated. They can be run in two ways: in development or production environment.

  • For development or test purposes you can run Celery Beat and Celery Worker on the same terminal:
# Run another (second) terminal session and enter the following commands:
source venv/bin/activate
(venv} $ celery -A reminder.celery_app:app worker --beat --loglevel=info
  • For production purposes you should run Celery Beat and Celery Worker on two separate terminals:
# On the second terminal run a Celery Worker
source venv/bin/activate
(venv} $ celery -A reminder.celery_app:app worker --loglevel=info

# On the third terminal run a Celery Beat
source venv/bin/activate
(venv} $ celery -A reminder.celery_app:app beat --loglevel=info

Installation with Docker-Compose tool

The application can be also build and run locally with Docker-Compose tool. Docker-Compose allows you to create working out-of-the-box example of Event Reminder application with Gunicorn, Elasticsearch, Redis, Celery worker and PostgreSQL with some dummy data on board.

Running the app

To build and run app with Docker-Compose - clone the repo and follow the quick-start instructions below.

In order to correctly start the application, you must run the following commands in the project root directory (event-reminder).

  1. Before running docker-compose command you should create .env-web, .env-db and .env-worker files (ENVs for Flask app, PostgreSQL and Celery). The best solution is to copy the existing example files and edit the necessary data.
# Create docker .env files using examples from repository
$ cp docker/web/.env-web-example docker/web/.env-web
$ cp docker/db/.env-db-example docker/db/.env-db
$ cp docker/worker/.env-worker-example docker/worker/.env-worker
  1. Build and start containers using the commands shown below:
# To build containers specified in docker-compose.yml file
$ docker-compose build
# To start containers (add -d to run them in the background)
$ docker-compose up -d
# To verify status of the application:
$ docker-compose ps
  1. Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to see the application running. Login with default credentials:

    • admin user: admin
    • default pass: admin
  2. To stop all app services, run:

$ docker-compose stop
  1. To bring everything down and remove the containers, run:
docker-compose down
# To delete container volumes as well, use -v or --volumes flag.
docker-compose down --volumes


The Event Reminder is a simple web application based on Flask framework, Bootstrap framework and FullCalendar full-sized JavaScript calendar. The main objective of the application is to remind users about upcoming events or other matters. Application uses Celery to handle background (asynchronous) processes.








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