The idea behind the RTB (Real Time Buffer) project is to provide a really simple way of drawing directly to the screen, and to write to the audio output buffer in real time using Swift.
Add new files which extend RTB, and change the instance returned by RTB.instance(). When aiming to create a new project for App Store release etc, it's advisable to copy the whole project to a new repo to avoid sharing code with other projects. Set supported Device Orientation, bundleID etc in the new project.
- Main target platform is iOS, but macOS is supported for development purposes.
- Total screen size is hardcoded to 256x256, which is clipped to 144x256 for portrait and 256x144 on landscape to get a 16:9 ratio on iPhone screens.
- Audio format is Int16 interleaved.
As it's fairly early in the development process, versioning has not been introduced yet and breaking changes can be introduced!
- Util to generate icons sizes and names from 16x16 icon.
- Wavechange in Oscillator
- More audio effects.