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Discrete event simulation in C++ using Protothreads


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SimCpp is a discrete event simulation framework for C++. It aims to be a port of SimPy. It is based on Protothreads and a C++ port of Protothreads.

Minimal Example

#include "simcpp.h"

class Car : public simcpp::Process {
  explicit Car(simcpp::SimulationPtr sim) : Process(sim) {}

  bool Run() override {
    auto sim = this->sim.lock();


    printf("Car running at %g.\n", sim->get_now());
    printf("Car running at %g.\n", sim->get_now());


int main() {
  auto sim = simcpp::Simulation::create();

  return 0;

This example can be compiled with g++ -Wall -std=c++11 example-minimal.cpp simcpp.cpp -o example.minimal. When executed with ./example-minimal, it produces the following output:

Car running at 0.
Car running at 5.


To use SimCpp, you need the files simcpp.cpp, simcpp.h, and protothread.h. Whenever you want to use SimCpp in a file, include it with #include "simcpp.h". When compiling your program, you have to include the simcpp.cpp file.

Getting Started

A SimCpp simulation is created by calling simcpp::Simulation::create();. This returns a shared pointer to an instance of simcpp::Simulation to simplify memory management. In this simulation, one or more processes have to be started to actually do things. This is done with sim->start_process<MyProcessClass>().

Each process is modeled as a subclass of simcpp::Process. The behavior of a process is implemented in its Run method. The Run method should start with (optional) variable declarations, followed by PT_BEGIN();, the behavior code, and finally PT_END();.

In between PT_BEGIN(); and PT_END(); you can use PROC_WAIT_FOR(...); to wait for events. Events can be created with sim->event() or sim->timeout(...). These methods will be explained later. Processes are events as well, so you can start new processes and wait for their completion using PROC_WAIT_FOR(...); too.

The sim class attribute is a weak pointer to the simulation instance to prevent cyclic references. Never permanently store shared pointers to the simulation inside your processes! The local variables of the Run method are reset after (most) calls to PROC_WAIT_FOR, so keeping a shared pointer to the simulation instance in the local variable sim is acceptable (this is done via auto sim = this->sim.lock() in the above example). This also means that you have to use class attributes instead of local variables to keep state across calls to PROC_WAIT_FOR.

As stated before, auto event = sim->event() can be used to create new events. Again, this returns a shared pointer to an instance of simcpp::Event to simplify memory management. Initially, the returned event is pending. When calling PROC_WAIT_FOR(event); with a pending event, the process is paused.

By calling event->trigger(), the event is triggered. This means that all processes waiting for the event are resumed. When calling PROC_WAIT_FOR(event); with a triggered event, nothing special happens.

When calling auto event = sim->timeout(5), a pending event is returned too. However, this event is automatically triggered after 5 timesteps. Thus, if you write PROC_WAIT_FOR(sim->timeout(5)), the process is paused for 5 timesteps.

To check the current simulation time, you can use sim->get_now(). Initially, it will return 0, but it will increase when the simulation is run. To run the simulation, use sim->run(). This runs the simulation until no further events are scheduled to be triggered. It is also possible to run the simulation for a specific duration with sim->advance_by(100) (in this case, the simulation is advanced by 100 timesteps).

Now you should know all the basics to write your discrete event simulation with SimCpp. Continue reading to learn about all features. If you have any questions or problems, please file an issue on GitHub: If you want to improve SimCpp, feel free to submit a pull request.


Creating the simulation

simcpp::SimulationPtr sim = simcpp::Simulation::create();
// or
std::shared_ptr<simcpp::Simulation> sim2 = simcpp::Simulation::create();

Starting processes

Construct the MyProcess process with two additional arguments and run it:

The MyProcess instance is returned.

std::shared_ptr<MyProcess> process = sim->start_process<MyProcess>(arg1, arg2);

Construct the MyProcess process with two additional arguments and run it after the given delay:

The MyProcess instance is returned.

std::shared_ptr<MyProcess> = sim->start_process_delayed<MyProcess>(delay, arg1, arg2);

Creating events

Construct an event:

simcpp::EventPtr event = sim->event();
// or
std::shared_ptr<simcpp::Event> event = sim->event();

Construct the custom MyEvent event with two additional arguments:

std::shared_ptr<MyEvent> event = sim->event<MyEvent>(arg1, arg2);

Construct a timeout event which is scheduled to be processed after the given delay:

simcpp::EventPtr event = sim->timeout(delay);

Construct an event which is triggered when any of the given events is processed:

simcpp::EventPtr event = sim->any_of({ event1, event2 });

Construct an event which is triggered when all of the given events are processed:

simcpp::EventPtr event = sim->all_of({ event1, event2 });

Running the simulation

Run the simulation until no scheduled events are left:


Advance the simulation by the given duration:


Advance the simulation until the given event is triggered:

Returns true if the event was triggered and false is the simulation stopped because the event was aborted or no scheduled events are left.

bool ok = sim->advance_to(event);

Process the next scheduled event:

Returns true if there was a scheduled event to be processed and false otherwise.

bool ok = sim->step();

Checking the simulation state

Get the current simulation time:

double now = sim->get_now();

Check whether a scheduled event is left:

bool has_next = sim->has_next();

Get the time at which the next event is scheduled:

If no events are scheduled, this method throws an exception.

double time = sim->peek_next_time();

Changing the event state

Schedule the event to be processed:

If the event was not pending, nothing is done. Returns true if the event was pending, false otherwise.

bool ok = event->trigger();

Schedule the event to be processed after the given delay:

If the event was not pending, nothing is done. Returns true if the event was pending, false otherwise.

bool ok = event->trigger(delay);

Abort the event:

If the event was not pending, nothing is done. Otherwise, calls the Abort callback of the event / process. Returns true if the event was pending, false otherwise.

bool ok = event->abort();

Checking the event state

Check whether the event is pending:

bool pending = event->is_pending();

Check whether the event is triggered:

This also returns true if the event is already processed.

bool triggered = event->is_triggered();

Check whether the event is processed:

bool processed = event->is_processed();

Check whether the event is aborted:

bool aborted = event->is_aborted();

Get the state of an event:

The state is one of {Pending, Triggered, Processed, Aborted}.

simcpp::Event::State state = event->get_state();

Waiting for events

Add a callback to be called when the event is processed:

If the event was not pending, nothing is done. Returns false if the event is triggered, true otherwise.

bool ok = event->add_handler(callback);

Pause the process until the event is processed:

If the event is aborted, the process is paused indefinitely. If the event is triggered or processed, the process is not paused.


Subclassing simcpp::Event

The simcpp::Event class can be subclassed to create custom event classes. Custom events can take additional arguments in their constructor, store attributes, offer methods, and override the Aborted callback. Note that the sim attribute is only a weak pointer to the simulation instance. It must be converted to a shared pointer first to use it (sim.lock()). Never store a shared pointer to the simulation instance as a permanent class attribute, this leads to cyclic references and therefore memory leaks.

class MyEvent : public simcpp::Event {
  MyEvent(simcpp::SimulationPtr sim, int arg1, int arg2) : Event(sim) {}

  void Aborted() override {
    // ...

Subclassing simcpp::Process

The simcpp::Process class can be subclassed to create process classes. Custom processes can take additional arguments in their constructor, store attributes, offer methods, and override the Run method and Aborted callback. Note that the sim attribute is only a weak pointer to the simulation instance. It must be converted to a shared pointer first to use it (sim.lock()). Never store a shared pointer to the simulation instance as a permanent class attribute, this leads to cyclic references and therefore memory leaks.

class MyProcess : public simcpp::Process {
  MyProcess(simcpp::SimulationPtr sim, int arg1, int arg2) : Process(sim) {}

  bool Run() override {
    simcpp::SimulationPtr sim = this->sim.lock();

    // ...

  void Aborted() override {
    // ...

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2021 Bjørnar Steinnes Luteberget, Felix Schütz.

Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.