This is a simple example of a React Native application with Typescript as the language and incorporating the react native bottom tabs as generated by using Expo. The current templates in Expo doesn't include this include this particular setup so I had to make my own.
What I did was to generate two separate probjects. One was generated with the "Bare workflow" minimal (Typescript) template and the other used the "Managed workflow" tabs template.
? Choose a template:
----- Managed workflow -----
blank a minimal app as clean as an empty canvas
blank (TypeScript) same as blank but with TypeScript configuration
tabs several example screens and tabs using react-navigation
----- Bare workflow -----
minimal bare and minimal, just the essentials to get you started
❯ minimal (TypeScript) same as minimal but with TypeScript configuration
I then merged the tabs project into the minimal project. Moving the directories:
- assets
- components
- constants
- navigation
- screens
Merged the package.json files and simply overwrote the App.tsx contents with the tabs version.
To get everything to work nicely with Typescript, I reformated the *.js files by creating subdirectories with the same name as the file name, copy the file into that directoy, and renaming the file to index.ts or index.tsx. For example: ./screens/HomeScreen.js became ./screens/HomeScreen/index.tsx. This did cause the need to add an addition offset of directories since the index.tsx file is one level deeper.
This all works, removing the "file not found" errors/warnings that appear in the Visual Studio Code IDE, but this is very messy. I'm going to experiment to see if there is a better way but for now this is about a clean as I can get it.
I'd also like to remove the "../.." indirect addressing with absolue directories but so far no luck. All that has happen with try adding base paths to the configuration(s) is to have the whole thing fail.
Ok well I got the absolute formatted paths working and updated the directory structure...
First I was able to get absolute paths to work by simply adding the element "name": "app to the package.json. This statisfies the compiler... Unfortunately it doesn't make VSC happy. It now shows the "not found" error I removed by moving the files to subdirectories and renaming them to index.ts(x). Well if it going to be pissed anyway, I restructured and renamed files back.
I moved all the various code files to under a src directory, which I prefer then having them on the root where it is a bit messy. As I mentioned I also removed the file named directories with index.ts(x) and simply restored them to their almost original names (don't forget I changed the js to ts(x) file extentions).
I'll see if I can figure out how to remove the error/warning from VSC.
So finally got it configured correctly... I hope. So I ended up using the settings and packages as described here I went ahead and created the new project using expo again using the minimal template as before and added all the settings and packages described. I copied the files I created in this project to test and it worked. I then updated this project with the new configurations and updated files.
This even fixes VSC! Yeah.