Lyra REST API code examples using our PHP SDK.
All authentication information are defined in keys.php. You can use the already defined demo keys or update it with yours.
Available examples: see index.html
To run our examples using docker, you first need to install:
Start the container:
docker-compose up -d
and go to http://localhost:6980
Copy src/ directory content to your PHP server, and go to index.html page.
You can easily install our examples on Heroku for free. First you need:
- a valid account, see
- keroky cli installed locally:
Next, to deploy php examples, do:
- heroku create
- git subtree push --prefix www heroku master
Start the container and open it in your web-browser:
- heroku ps:scale web=1
- heroku open
If you do some updates and you want to publish it, do:
- git commit -am"some updates"
- git push heroku master
- heroku open
and see your changes on the web-browser.