livegollection is a Golang library for live data synchronization between backend and frontend of a custom user-implemented collection. It's aimed for web applications since it works over websockets.
To interact with livegollection from client-side JavaScript/TypeScript check out livegollection-client.
To install livegollection you just need to:
go get
NOTE: livegollection makes use of type parameters so you need go1.18 or above in order to use it (at the time of writing go1.18 has not been released yet but there is a beta version and a release candidate available).
We need to define the user-implemented collection that is going to be synchronized between the server and multiple web-clients with live updates.
This collection must satisfy the livegollection.Collection interface which requires the following methods: All, Item, Create, Update, Delete. This is a simple template that you can use for implementing such a collection (you need to substitute IdType with a concrete type for items' id):
cat mycollection/mycollection.go
package mycollection
// IMPORTANT: export all the fields of MyItem, livegollection internally uses json.Marshal.
type MyItem struct {
Id IdType `json:"id,omitempty"`
FieldOne TypeOfFieldOne `json:"fieldOne,omitempty"`
FieldTwo TypeOfFIeldTwo `json:"fieldTwo,omitempty"`
// ...
func (myItem MyItem) ID() IdType {
return myItem.Id
type MyCollection struct {
// ...
// NewMyCollection creates and initialize an instance of MyCollection.
func NewMyCollection() (*MyCollection, error) {
// All retreives all the items in MyCollecttion and returns them in a slice.
func (myColl *MyCollection) All() ([]MyItem, error) {
// Item retreives the item with the given ID from MyCollection and returns it.
func (myColl *MyCollection) Item(ID IdType) (MyItem, error) {
// Create adds the given item to the collection and returns it AFTER having set its id.
func (myColl *MyCollection) Create(myItem MyItem) (MyItem, error) {
// ...
// Set item id
myItem.Id = // ...
// ...
return myItem, nil
// Update updates the given item in the collection.
func (myColl *MyCollection) Update(myItem MyItem) error {
// Delete deletes the given item from the collection.
func (myColl *MyCollection) Delete(ID IdType) error {
It's time to implement our backend logic and add to our server the livegollection handler:
cat server/main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// ...
myColl, err := mycollection.NewMyCollection()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("error when creating MyCollection: %v", err))
// When we create the LiveGollection we need to specify the type parameters for items' id and items themselves.
liveGoll := livegollection.NewLiveGollection[IdType, mycollection.MyItem](context.TODO(), myColl, log.Default())
// After we created liveGoll, to enable it we just need to register a route handled by liveGoll.Join.
http.HandleFunc("/livegollection", liveGoll.Join)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", nil))
// ...
As you can see, once you have implemented MyCollection
you just need to register an HTTP handler and server-side livegollection is ready to use.
As anticipated to interact with server-side livegollection from client-side JavaScript/TypeScript check out livegollection-client.
If you want a concrete example of usage of livegollection and livegollection-client check out this example app.