I am no longer supporting this project. ProjectDiscovery has created a great tool to install their tools so check that out here - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/pdtm
I created this script to quickly install the most recent version of Golang and the ProjectDiscovery tools that I found my self constantly installing on new machines.
The following tools will be installed on your machine:
- Nuclei - Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML signature files - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei
- Subfinder - Fast passive subdomain finding tool - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
- Naabu - Port scanner written in Golang for fast SYN/CONNECT scans - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/naabu
- Interactsh - Opensource tool for detecting out-of-band interactions for vulns that cause external network interactions - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh
- Httpx - Awesome multi-purpose HTTP toolkit for probing web services - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx
- Dnsx - Fast, multipurpose DNS toolkit for running multiple DNS queries - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/dnsx
- ShuffleDNS - MassDNS wrapper written in Golang to resolve valid subdomains and resolve subdomains with wildcards - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/shuffledns
- Notify - What good is automated recon with notifications to Slack or a similar chatops tool? - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/notify
- Mapcidr - Great CIDR block and IP address manipulation tool should you need to combine CIDRs/IPs or break them apart in a custom manner - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/mapcidr
- Uncover - Go wrapper to do search engine discovery on major security search engines such as shodan, censys, fofa, etc. - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/uncover