A infrastructure-as-code template for deploying a development environment in azure.
- AZ CLI (logged in)
Creating the environment
- Log in w/ AZ CLI
az login --use-device-code
- Verify that you are in the desired subscription
az account show
- Create the target Resource Group
az group create --resource-group myRG --location westus2
- Deploy the main.bicep
az deployment group create --resource-group sdkinf2 --template-file ./main.bicep
Retrieve the azurevpnconfig.xml VPN configuration file, in one of 2 ways:
a. Be provided it by a team member b. Via the Azure Portal - Navigate to the Virtual Network Gateway resource - Switch to the "Point-to-site configuration" blade - Select "Download VPN client"
- Unzip the downloaded VPN package from your Downloads folder. The azurevpnconfig.xml file will be under the "AzureVPN" folder
Install the Azure VPN client for your OS if you haven't already
Open the Azure VPN Client and import the azurevpnconfig.xml from above. Then Connect this VPN (note - you must disconnect other VPNs)
You may now access resources in the development VNets using their private IPs. Ex: in VS.Code's configure Hosts.