x86 Experimental Operating System
XEOS is an experimental 32/64 bits Operating System for x86 platforms, written from scratch in Assembly and C. It includes a C99 Standard Library, and aims at POSIX/SUS2 compatibility.
Its main purpose is educational, and to provide people interested in OS development with a clean code base. While available only for x86, it may evolve to support other platforms.
Documentation can be found at: http://www.xs-labs.com/en/projects/xeos/documentation/
Project home can be found at: http://www.xs-labs.com/en/projects/xeos/
XEOS is released under the terms of the XEOS Software License.
Owner: Jean-David Gadina - XS-Labs
Web: www.xs-labs.com
Blog: www.noxeos.com
Twitter: @macmade
GitHub: github.com/macmade
LinkedIn: ch.linkedin.com/in/macmade/
StackOverflow: stackoverflow.com/users/182676/macmade