This is a C# coding project to display information on movies currently in theaters. This is a command-line application that prompts the user for the number of top movies to get information on.
Please note this application takes some time to run, as it needs to get the accurate information from Rotton Tomatoes and Freebase. Also note that the more movies you ask about, the slower it will take to run.
To run this application, you must be connected to the internet.
Find the publish folder for this project. Inside, run setup.exe. This will open a command window that will run the application.
When prompted, you must enter the number of movies you wish to know about.
If you wish to compile this project from source, download the project and open the solution file (MovieInfoApplication.sln) in Microsoft Visual Studio.
Note that this application will only run on Windows.
This application was created by Madalyn Coryea. All the code is her own work. Published on: 8/24/2014