Hello there! So you think BDD is a great way to talk about software? Are you ready to codify some of those conversations? Do you build apps in rails? If so you've come to the right place.
was built to provide a set of generators for a rails app. We provide
an opinionated setup for using rspec + capybara to feature test your
Many think BDD is about a certain testing style, it is and it isn't. BDD is much more about the conversations around the desired and undesired behaviour of a system.
If you're not having conversations about your system in a BDD style then that is where you should start!
Coming soon... for now read the following articles to find out about the style of tests we're writing:
- http://lukemorton.co.uk/thoughts/2016-01-09-feature-testing-in-2016
- https://about.futurelearn.com/blog/how-we-write-readable-feature-tests-with-rspec/
- https://www.madetech.com/blog/feature-testing-with-rspec
Firstly, make sure you have rails installed!
gem install rails
Now let's create a new app!
rails new --skip-test-unit my_bdd_app
cd my_bdd_app
Next we want to install bdd-rails
echo "gem 'bdd-rails', path: '../../'" >> Gemfile
We want to install our BDD setup in your rails app:
bundle exec rails g bdd_rails:install
And setup our DB:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Now you can run your (empty) test suite:
bundle exec rspec
To install a full example of feature test and code into your application run the following:
bundle exec rails g bdd_rails:example
bundle exec rspec
Now you have a passing example! Feel free to explore the example code :)