Experience the thrill of the Roll Dices game in this simple two-player terminal-based game written in C# using the Terminal.Gui package. Challenge your friends and take turns rolling the dice to reach the highest score.
- Two-player dice rolling game.
- Written in C# using Terminal.Gui.
- Roll virtual dice and aim for the highest score.
Explore the game files in the 'RollDices' folder to understand the project's structure.
Check out the game's activity diagram in the 'Activity diagram (Roll Dices game)' folder to get insights into the game's logic.
To add Terminal.Gui to the project, follow these steps:
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the project directory.
Run the following command:
dotnet add package Terminal.Gui --version 1.14.0
To create an executable (.exe) file for this project, follow these steps:
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the project directory.
Run the following command:
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in your preferred C# IDE (e.g., Visual Studio).
- Run the game and start rolling the dice!
Enjoy the excitement of the Roll Dices game on your Windows machine!
Note: This game only for Windows.