Feel free to use this however you like. Issues can be opened, but don't expect immediate help, as this is intended for my own usage.
Breaking changes may occur at any time.
Component | Link |
Window manager | Hyprland |
Bar | Waybar |
Launcher | Rofi |
Terminal | Rio |
Shell | Fish + Starship |
File Manager | Nemo |
Color Scheme | Catppuccin-nix |
GTK Theme | Catppuccin-gtk |
Cursor | Phinger-cursors |
Icons | Papirus + Catppuccin-folders |
Lockscreen | Hyprlock |
Notifications | SwayNC |
- Fork the repo.
- Create your own system configuration in flake.nix and add an entry in
. - Use
nixos-rebuild --flake .#<hostname> --impure
to build
I use --impure
in my configurations because i haven't found a good enough way to handle
encrypted drives when re-installing. The flake pulls from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
so be sure that these exist.
The flake will point out if any options set in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
conflict with the flakes' configuration.
- Namish - Nixos config
- Frost-Phoenix - Nixos config
- @Gerg-L for quick help with Spicetify
- @NotAShelf for quick help with Nvf and general inspiration for learning nix.