Rails REST API boilerplate for typical project can connect and interact with Posgres default by Prisma
- Features
- Quick run
- Comfortable development
- Links
- Automatic update of dependencies
- Database utils
- Tests
- Database (activerecord).
- Seeding.
- Config Service (rails/config).
- Mailing (activemail).
- Sign in and sign up via email.
- Social sign in (Apple, Facebook, Google, X).
- Admin and User roles.
- I18N (rails-i18n).
- File uploads. Support local and Amazon S3 drivers.
- Swagger.
- E2E and units tests.
- Docker.
- CI (Github Actions).
git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:maearon/rails-boilerplate.git my-app
cd my-app/
cp env-example .env
docker compose up -d
For check status run
docker compose logs
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/brocoders/nestjs-boilerplate.git my-app
cd my-app/
cp .env-example .env
cp client/env-example client/.env
Change DATABASE_HOST=postgres
to DATABASE_HOST=localhost
Change MAIL_HOST=maildev
to MAIL_HOST=localhost
Run additional container:
docker compose up -d postgres redis
rails db:drop
cd client &&
npx prisma generate &&
npx prisma migrate dev (rails db:migrate)
manhpc@manhpc-B660M-D3H-DDR4:~/code/ruby-rails-boilerplate/client$ npx prisma migrate dev
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "verceldb", schema "public" at "ep-bold-voice-a4yp8xc9.us-east-1.aws.neon.tech:5432"
Applying migration `20240722050134_ruby_rails_boilerplate_development`
The following migration(s) have been applied:
└─ 20240722050134_ruby_rails_boilerplate_development/
└─ migration.sql
Your database is now in sync with your schema.
Running generate... (Use --skip-generate to skip the generators)
✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.17.0) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 130ms
1953 git checkout 6757f51096580846978602258ea87eabee204ef2 -- Dockerfile
1954 git status
1955 git checkout 6757f51096580846978602258ea87eabee204ef2 -- docker-compose.yml
rails db:seed (prisma introspect && npx prisma db pull && npx prisma db push)
cd ..
rails s -p 3001
(git checkout 1242dc57c527178d6bffd6980c884ba4478bafd4 -- db/migrate)
(rails status code symbol: https://gist.github.com/mlanett/a31c340b132ddefa9cca)
- Routes: http://localhost:3001/rails/info/routes
- Adminer (client for DB): (npx prisma studio)
- Maildev: http://localhost:3001/letter_opener
If you want to automatically update dependencies, you can connect Depfu for your project.
Generate migration
rails generate migration CreateNameTable
Run migration
rails db:migrate
Revert migration
rails db:migrate:reset
Drop all tables in database
rails db:drop
Run seed
rails db:seed
# unit tests
rails t
# e2e tests
./node_modules/.bin/cypress run
docker compose -f docker-compose.ci.yaml --env-file env-example -p ci up --build --exit-code-from api && docker compose -p ci rm -svf
docker run --rm jordi/ab -n 100 -c 100 -T application/json -H "Authorization: Bearer USER_TOKEN" -v 2 http://<server_ip>:3001/api/v1/users