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goflishMC edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 2 revisions
# Whether or not to enable controlling experience from broken/placed blocks or crafted items
enabled: 'false'
# Experience yields for anything except combat. Combat experience is either controlled
# via vanilla experience dropped or the yields defined in config.yml.


# These are experience values provided when a player breaks a block.

  # Whether or not to allow players to place a block back down and break it again
  # to get additional experience. Note that disabling this will cause all block
  # changes to be tracked in order to remember what was placed or not. Blocks
  # existing before this is disabled will not be protected from experience yields.
  'allow-replace': 'true'

  # The yields per block type. You can add any block types not in this list by simply
  # appending the bukkit name of the block type. See
  # for valid types. This list is not case-sensitive.

    # You can add classes as well that allow certain blocks only to benefit
    # that class. For example, if you want a miner to benefit from ore but
    # a farmer to benefit from crops, you can add a "miner" section containing
    # the ore and a "farmer" section containing the crops. This would look something
    # like:

    # # Blocks only for miners
    # miner:
    #   COAL: 1
    #   IRON_ORE: 10
    # # Blocks only for farmers
    # farmer:
    #   CROPS: 5
      COAL: '1'
      QUARTZ_ORE: '1'
      IRON_ORE: '10'
      GOLD_ORE: '15'
      REDSTONE_ORE: '20'
      LAPIS_ORE: '25'
      DIAMOND_ORE: '50'
      EMERALD_ORE: '100'

# Experience yields when a player places a block. There's not a built-in way to check
# for players repeatedly placing down the same block, so use this type of experience
# with caution. Works similar to break, just without the replace option.




# Experience yields when a player crafts items.

  # Similar to above, you can specify classes to get
  # experience from different crafts.
    BOW: '5'
    IRON_HELMET: '50'
    IRON_BOOTS: '40'
    IRON_SWORD: '20'
    IRON_AXE: '30'
    GOLD_LEGGINGS: '105'
    GOLD_HELMET: '75'
    GOLD_BOOTS: '60'
    GOLD_SWORD: '30'
    GOLD_AXE: '45'
    DIAMOND_BOOTS: '200'
    DIAMOND_SWORD: '100'
    DIAMOND_AXE: '150'
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