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This directory contains the Pantportal system (we may think of a better name in the future).

The Pantportal system implements a deposit refund system for beverage containers (mainly bottles and cans).

The system allows users to register products eligible for deposit refunds (identified by their barcodes). It is able to import data about returned containers from reverse vending machines and connect these imports to the vendors (shops and other businesses) that will receive the refunds. Payments may be made to these businesses by integrating with the deposit administrator's accounts payable system.

The Pantportal system was created by Magenta ApS for Esani, Greenland's national waste management company.

The Pantportal system is free software, and you are welcome to use, study, modify and share it under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.

Copyright (c) 2023-204 Magenta ApS.


The Pantportal system was built using Python and Django with a Postgresql database.

The development environment uses Docker and docker compose - please see the docker directory and the docker-compose.yml file for details.

Testing & type checks

To run the tests run

docker exec esani_pantportal bash -c 'coverage run test --parallel 4 ; coverage combine ; coverage report --show-missing'

To run tests only in a specific file run

docker exec esani_pantportal bash -c 'coverage run test esani_pantportal.tests.test_productlist'

This project uses mypy for type-checks. The mypy package requires a running docker-container, because of the django-stubs package. You can run mypy using the following command:

docker exec esani_pantportal mypy --config mypy.ini esani_pantportal/

To run all the tests and mypy type-checks in one command run

docker exec esani_pantportal bash -c 'coverage run test --parallel 4 ; coverage combine ; coverage report --show-missing; mypy --config mypy.ini esani_pantportal/'


To profile the application, add prof to the url. For example:



If the application does not start up, make sure to check that you own the data/er and data/startup_flags folders. An ls -all command should give the following output:

>>> ~/git/esani-pantportal/data$ ls -all

total 28
drwxrwxr-x  7 your_username your_username 4096 feb 26 10:37 .
drwxrwxr-x 12 your_username your_username 4096 feb 28 12:33 ..
drwxrwxr-x  2 your_username your_username 4096 jan  3 10:20 deposit_payouts
drwxr-xr-x  8 your_username your_username 4096 feb 28 15:14 er
drwxrwxr-x  2 your_username your_username 4096 feb 28 15:00 product_lists
drwxrwxr-x  2 your_username your_username 4096 feb  9 11:05 qr_codes
drwxrwxr-x  2 your_username your_username 4096 feb 28 15:17 startup_flags

When inspecting the output, make sure that none of the folders are owned by root


Der findes 4 forskellige slags brugere:

  • ESANI admins (EsaniUser)
  • Butiksmedarbejdere (BranchUser)
  • Virksomhedsmedarbejdere (CompanyUser)
  • Kioskejere (KioskUser)

dev miljø login oplysninger er som følgende:

Bruger type login
ESANI admin admin:admin
Butiksmedarbejder anders:anders
Virksomhedsmedarbejder alfred:alfred
Kioskejer oswald:oswald

Butiks-, virksomheds og kioskbrugere kan enten være admin brugere eller også er de almindelige brugere. Almindelige brugere har begrænsede rettigheder, mens admin brugere kan oprette andre brugere og registrere nye produkter.

Virksomhedsbrugere kan kun oprette brugere i den samme virksomhed som dem selv, mens ESANI brugere kan oprette brugere af alle slags:

Bruger type opret EsaniUser opret BranchUser opret CompanyUser opret KioskUser
ESANI admin x x x x
Butiksmedarbejder x
Virksomhedsmedarbejder x x
Kioskejer x
Uregistreret bruger x x x

Når en uregistreret bruger opretter sig selv, skal han først godkendes af en ESANI bruger, før han kan logge ind. Alle andre bruger typer er automatisk godkendt når de bliver oprettet.


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