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define init_phi=2 to start from a thermal field in physical space
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tgastine committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent f28a7c0 commit 6017aca
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 56 deletions.
159 changes: 103 additions & 56 deletions src/init_fields.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ module init_fields
use precision_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
use parallel_mod
use mpi_ptop_mod, only: type_mpiptop
use mpi_transp_mod, only: type_mpitransp
use chebyshev, only: type_cheb_odd
use finite_differences, only: type_fd
use communications, only: lo2r_one, r2lo_one, transp_R2Phi, transp_Phi2R
use truncation, only: n_r_max, n_r_maxMag, n_r_ic_max, m_min, l_max, &
& n_phi_max, n_theta_max, n_r_tot, m_max, &
& minc, n_cheb_ic_max, lm_max, nlat_padded
Expand All @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ module init_fields
use radial_data, only: n_r_icb, n_r_cmb, nRstart, nRstop
use constants, only: pi, y10_norm, c_z10_omega_ic, c_z10_omega_ma, osq4pi, &
& zero, one, two, three, four, third, half, sq4pi
use useful, only: abortRun
use sht, only: scal_to_SH
use useful, only: abortRun, lagrange_interp
use sht, only: scal_to_SH, scal_to_spat
use physical_parameters, only: impS, n_impS_max, n_impS, phiS, thetaS, &
& peakS, widthS, radratio, imagcon, opm, &
& sigma_ratio, O_sr, kbots, ktops, opr, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,22 +160,15 @@ subroutine initV(w,z,omega_ic,omega_ma)
real(cp) :: ra1,ra2,c_r,c_i
real(cp) :: amp_r,rExp
real(cp) :: rDep(n_r_max)
class(type_mpitransp), pointer :: r2lo_initv, lo2r_initv
real(cp) :: ss,ome(nlat_padded,n_phi_max)
complex(cp) :: omeLM(lm_max)

allocate( type_mpiptop :: r2lo_initv )
allocate( type_mpiptop :: lo2r_initv )

!-- Initialize rotation according to
! given inner core and mantel rotation rate:
if ( init_v1 == 1 .and. ( omega_ic1 /= 0.0_cp .or. omega_ma1 /= 0.0_cp ) ) then

call r2lo_initv%create_comm(1)
call lo2r_initv%create_comm(1)

!-- From lo distributed to r distributed
call lo2r_initv%transp_lm2r(z, z_Rloc)
call lo2r_one%transp_lm2r(z, z_Rloc)

!-- Approximating the Stewardson solution:
do nR=nRstart,nRstop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,19 +208,12 @@ subroutine initV(w,z,omega_ic,omega_ma)
end do ! close loop over radial grid points

!-- Transpose back to lo distributed
call r2lo_initv%transp_r2lm(z_Rloc, z)

!-- Destroy MPI communicators
call r2lo_initv%destroy_comm()
call lo2r_initv%destroy_comm()
call r2lo_one%transp_r2lm(z_Rloc, z)

else if ( init_v1 == 2 ) then

call r2lo_initv%create_comm(1)
call lo2r_initv%create_comm(1)

!-- From lo distributed to r distributed
call lo2r_initv%transp_lm2r(z, z_Rloc)
call lo2r_one%transp_lm2r(z, z_Rloc)

!-- Approximating the Stewardson solution:
do nR=nRstart,nRstop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,12 +249,7 @@ subroutine initV(w,z,omega_ic,omega_ma)
end do ! close loop over radial grid points

!-- Transpose back to lo distributed
call r2lo_initv%transp_r2lm(z_Rloc, z)

!-- Destroy MPI communicators
call r2lo_initv%destroy_comm()
call lo2r_initv%destroy_comm()

call r2lo_one%transp_r2lm(z_Rloc, z)

else if ( init_v1 > 2 ) then

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1461,15 +1441,18 @@ subroutine initPhi(s, phi)
complex(cp), intent(inout) :: phi(llm:ulm,n_r_max) ! Phase field

!-- Local variables:
real(cp) :: temp00(n_r_max), rmelt, phi0(n_r_max)
integer :: lm00, n_r, n_r_melt, l, lm

lm00 = lo_map%lm2(0,0) ! spherically-symmetric mode

if ( init_phi /= 0 ) then
real(cp) :: temp00(n_r_max), rmelt, phi0(n_r_max), rphase, x(4), y(4)
integer :: lm00, n_r, n_r_melt, l, lm, n_p, n_t, nPstart, nPstop
integer :: n_r_phase, n_r_start, n_r_stop
complex(cp), allocatable :: s_Rloc(:,:), phi_Rloc(:,:)
real(cp), allocatable :: temp_Rloc(:,:,:), temp_Ploc(:,:,:)
real(cp), allocatable :: phase_Rloc(:,:,:), phase_Ploc(:,:,:)
type(load), allocatable :: phi_balance(:)

if ( init_phi == 1 ) then
!-- The initial phase field is set as a tanh function of width epsPhase
!-- centered at the melting temperature

lm00 = lo_map%lm2(0,0) ! spherically-symmetric mode
if ( llm <= lm00 .and. ulm >= lm00 ) then
temp00(:)=osq4pi * real(s(lm00,:))
do n_r=2,n_r_max
Expand All @@ -1481,21 +1464,95 @@ subroutine initPhi(s, phi)
end if
end if

#ifdef WITH_MPI
call MPI_Bcast(phi0,n_r_max,MPI_DEF_REAL,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
call MPI_Bcast(phi0,n_r_max,MPI_DEF_REAL,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)

!-- Make sure there is no temperature perturbation in the solid phase
if ( init_s1 /= 0 .or. init_s2 /= 0 ) then
do n_r=1,n_r_max
do lm=llm,ulm
l = lo_map%lm2l(lm)
if ( l == 0 ) cycle
!-- Make sure there is no temperature perturbation in the solid phase
if ( init_s1 /= 0 .or. init_s2 /= 0 ) then
do n_r=1,n_r_max
do lm=llm,ulm
l = lo_map%lm2l(lm)
if ( l == 0 ) cycle
end do
end do
end if

else if ( init_phi == 2 ) then
!-- Compute locally the temperature distribution in the physical space
!-- and then get the corresponding phase field
allocate(s_Rloc(lm_max,nRstart:nRstop), phi_Rloc(lm_max,nRstart:nRstop))
allocate( phi_balance(0:n_procs-1) )
call getBlocks(phi_balance, n_phi_max, n_procs)
nPstart = phi_balance(rank)%nStart
nPstop = phi_balance(rank)%nStop
allocate( phase_Rloc(nlat_padded,n_phi_max,nRstart:nRstop) )
allocate( temp_Rloc(nlat_padded,n_phi_max,nRstart:nRstop) )
allocate( phase_Ploc(nlat_padded,nPstart:nPstop,n_r_max) )
allocate( temp_Ploc(nlat_padded,nPstart:nPstop,n_r_max) )

!-- Bring the temperature field on the R-distributed version
call lo2r_one%transp_lm2r(s, s_Rloc)

!-- Compute the temperature on the physical grid
do n_r=nRstart,nRstop
call scal_to_spat(s_Rloc(:,n_r), temp_Rloc(:,:,n_r), l_max)
end do

!-- Transpose the temperature on a phi-distributed grid
call transp_R2Phi(temp_Rloc, temp_Ploc, phi_balance, nPstart, nPstop)

!-- Determine the melt radius by 4th order Lagrangian smoothing
do n_p=nPstart,nPstop
do n_t=1,n_theta_max
!-- Determine the radial level where T=Tmelt
do n_r=2,n_r_max
if ( temp_Ploc(n_t,n_p,n_r) > tmelt .and. &
& temp_Ploc(n_t,n_p,n_r-1) < tmelt ) then
end if
end do

!-- 4th order Lagrangian interpolation of melting point
if ( n_r_phase == n_r_cmb ) then
if ( n_r_phase == n_r_cmb+1 ) then
n_r_stop =n_r_phase+2
else if ( n_r_phase == n_r_icb ) then
n_r_stop =n_r_phase
n_r_stop =n_r_phase+1
end if
end if


end do
end do

!-- Transpose phase from phi-distributed to r-distributed
call transp_Phi2R(phase_Ploc, phase_Rloc, phi_balance, nPstart, nPstop)

!-- Now bring the phase back to spectral space
do n_r=nRstart,nRstop
call scal_to_SH(phase_Rloc(:,:,n_r), phi_Rloc(:,n_r), l_max)
end do

!-- Final transpose to get the LM-distributed array for the phase field
call r2lo_one%transp_r2lm(phi_Rloc, phi)

deallocate( temp_Rloc, temp_Ploc, phase_Rloc, phase_Ploc, phi_balance )
deallocate( s_Rloc, phi_Rloc )
end if

end subroutine initPhi
Expand All @@ -1513,17 +1570,10 @@ subroutine initF(bodyForce)
!-- Local variables
complex(cp) :: bf_Rloc(lm_max,nRstart:nRstop), bfLM(lm_max)
integer :: lm,l,m,nR,nTheta,nPhi
class(type_mpitransp), pointer :: r2lo_initf, lo2r_initf
real(cp) :: bf_spat(nlat_padded,n_phi_max)
real(cp) :: eta_fac, a_force, b_force

allocate( type_mpiptop :: r2lo_initf )
allocate( type_mpiptop :: lo2r_initf )

call r2lo_initf%create_comm(1)
call lo2r_initf%create_comm(1)

call lo2r_initf%transp_lm2r(bodyForce, bf_Rloc)
call lo2r_one%transp_lm2r(bodyForce, bf_Rloc)

eta_fac = 15.0_cp*pi/64.0_cp * (1.0_cp - radratio**6)/(1.0_cp-radratio**5)
a_force = eta_fac / (r_cmb * (1.0_cp - eta_fac))
Expand All @@ -1542,7 +1592,7 @@ subroutine initF(bodyForce)
end do
end do

call scal_to_SH(bf_spat,bfLM,l_max)
call scal_to_SH(bf_spat, bfLM, l_max)

!------- body force is now in spherical harmonic space,
! For toroidal equation, get radial component of
Expand All @@ -1564,10 +1614,7 @@ subroutine initF(bodyForce)

end do ! close loop over radial points

call r2lo_initf%transp_r2lm(bf_Rloc,bodyForce)

call r2lo_initf%destroy_comm()
call lo2r_initf%destroy_comm()
call r2lo_one%transp_r2lm(bf_Rloc, bodyForce)

end subroutine initF
Expand Down

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