This action for GitHub Actions creates release discussions and posts comments to them on every release.
On a release, a GitHub Discussion is looked up or created for the current cycle. A comment is then posted to the discussion with the release notes. A TOC is also added to the discussion description and kept up to date with every release.
This action works particularly well with changesets and makes it so that the release notes of all your packages are posted to a single discussion category.
Note that the comments are updated when you edit a release. This way, the release
is the source of truth. Omit the edited
and deleted
triggers if you don't want
this and want to be able to edit release notes in the discussion instead.
Example workflow:
name: Release To Discussions
types: [created, edited, deleted]
# you want to prevent race conditions when multiple releases are
# created at the same time, which happens often in mono-repos.
concurrency: release-discussion-action
name: Publish Release Notes
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: publish discussion
uses: magicbell/release-discussion-action@main
# the repository where the discussions are hosted
repo: magicbell/community
# category slug, can be found in the URL of the category page
category: product-changelog
# group releases by week or month
cycle: week
# an optional prefix can be used that will be prepended to the release title
# this is typically used for non node packages
# release-prefix: the-package-name