Preprocessor: source.c
→ source.i
Compiler: source.i
→ source.asm
Assembler: source.asm
→ source.exe
- Pattern: Regex describing all the lexemes that can represent a particular token in source language
- Lexeme: Sequence of characters in the source program that matches the pattern for a token
- Token: Terminal symbols of the source language
- SymbolInfo: Holds the details of a symbol
- ScopeTable: Keeps track of the declared identifier in a scope
- SymbolTable: Keeps track of the scopes
- ErrorHandler: Prints out errors
- Scanner: Converts input C code to a list of tokens
- Logger: Prints out log output
- Parser: Creates Abstract Syntax Tree using given cfg and tokens from scanner
- Tokenizer: Creates token from a lexeme
- LexicalAnalyzer: Converts input C code to stream of tokens
- SyntaxAnalyzer: Checks if the grammar is syntactically correct
- SemanticAnalyzer: Checks if the grammar is semantically correct
- AssemblyGenerator: Converts the C code to Intel 8086 Assembly code
- Optimizer: Peephole optimization of the generated assembly code
- CommentGenerator: Documentation
- ASTGenerator: AST Printer
- CodeGenerator: AST to C converter
- flex 2.6.4
- bison 3.8.2