GitHub Backup utils can be downloaded from and the requirement was to keep the app inside a container. There is a no container image build by GitHub but it have Docker file to create image we have include aws cli utility as per our requirement to push backup to S3 using aws cli. sample Docker file is
Build container images We have build container images, and uploaded to Amazon ECR.
Clone upstream Git repository
$ mkdir work
$ cd work
$ git clone
$ cd backup-utils
Build container image and push it to ECR
$docker build -t github-backup-utils-aws
Note :- Before pushing image into ECR you have to setup registry into ECR.
Converted private key into secret and create secret from this
$kubectl create secret generic --from-file=private_key_file -o yaml --dry-run=client > private-key-secret.yaml
Deploying kubernetes job for backup and pushing backup to AWS S3.
$ kubectl apply -f ns.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f private-key-secret.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f known-hosts-configmap.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f backup-config-configmap.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f backup_compress_upload_s3.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f github_cron_aws.yaml
Edit below files and change values as per environment
1. "S3_upload" and change "S3_BUCKET" as per environment
2. "back-config-example"
3. "known-hosts-configmap.yaml"
4. "private-key-secret.yaml"