- The LaraJS Boilerplate is a full-stack boilerplate for Laravel and Vue 3. It's a perfect starting point for your next project.
- I'm committed to keeping it up to date with the latest versions of both backend and frontend technologies.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/maingocthanhtan96/larajs-boilerplate.git
- Backend:
- ✅ PHP 8.3
- ✅ Laravel 11
- ✅ Laravel Pint (Code formatting)
- ✅ Pest PHP (Testing)
- ✅ Larastan (PHP static analysis)
- ✅ Laravel Debugbar (Debugging tool)
- ✅ Laravel IDE Helper (IDE support)
- Frontend:
- ✅ Clean Structure
- ✅ Pnpm (Package manager)
- ✅ Vite + Vue 3 + TypeScript
- ✅ Husky (Git hooks)
- ✅ Eslint, Prettier, CommitLint (Code quality tools)
- ✅ Auto Import (Automatic imports for components and composables)
- ✅ Vue Router (SPA routing)
- ✅ Pinia (State management)
- ✅ Axios (HTTP requests)
- ✅ NProgress (Progress bar)
- ✅ Sass (CSS preprocessor)
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Copy the example environment file:
cp .env.example .env
- Generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
- Start the local development server:
php artisan serve
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Start the local development server:
pnpm dev
- Option 1: Run Vite directly from Laravel using the laravel-vite-plugin:
- Ensure the plugin is enabled in vite.config.mts.
- Option 2: Run the Vite server separately:
- Comment out the laravel-vite-plugin file from the root directory to run Vite independently.