This is web based movie search applications ,This web application is having following features.
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Authentication
- Search Movie from the OMDB movie API
- Show the List Of Movies
- Create Playlist from the List Of Movies
- Remove Movie from the playlist
- MongoDB
- NodeJs
- React
- Mongoose
- Clone this repo.
- Extract and cd to client folder
- Run command 'npm install'
- Once the packeges are installed
- Run command 'npm start'
- Now go to 'http://localhost:3000/'
- open new console in vscode and cd to server
- Run command 'npm install'
- Once the Node packages are installed
- Run command 'npm start'
- At this point both client and servers are running.
- Now you will prompted to home route
- Go and register
- Once you are registered,you can login.
- The moment you are loggedin,you will be prompted to new routes that is movie.
- From this routes,one can search movie and create playlist from the list of movies.
- Created playlist can be seen by the loggedin user.
P.S. Feel free to drop me a feedback,as there is always a room for learning.
I will surely work on your feedback.