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Spike edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 20 revisions

Not testing all of the game logic in unit tests

As there is a discrete number of possible outcomes, your tests should test them all. This may seem like overkill, but how else will you know that your game logic is correct in all circumstances?

Testing game logic in feature tests

Your feature test should not need to test all of the rock/paper/scissors(/lizard/spock) possibilities - this is the responsibility of your unit tests.

Not testing all game outcomes in feature tests

Although you do not need to test all possible combinations, your feature tests should test every possible outcome - i.e.:

  • a win
  • a loss
  • and a draw.

to ensure the user interface logic is correct.

Including presentation strings in business logic layer

Your Game class (or similar) should not return presentation strings like "Congratulations - you won!". This is a presentation concern and should be handled in another layer of code (separation of concerns). Instead, return representative codes, such as :win and :draw from the Game class which can be translated by the presentation layer.

This approach makes it possible to change the presentation layer (e.g. to add support for a different language) without changing the lower-level code (open/closed principle).

Use of if/elsif conditionals for business logic

Long if and elsif trees are very difficult to read and nested if statements require too much working memory for a reader to quickly scan.

There are a number of approaches to the game logic of Rock Paper Scissors, e.g.:

  • Use a hash to map the rules:
rules = { rock: :scissors,
          paper: :rock,
          scissors: :paper }

or for RPSLS:

rules = { rock: [scissors, lizard],
          paper: [:rock, :spock],
          scissors: [:paper, :lizard],
          lizard: [:paper, :spock],
          spock: [:rock, :scissors] }
  • Use individual classes for each weapon (i.e. Rock, Paper etc.) with a beats? or similar method that takes another weapon as a parameter.

Not encapsulating the 'computer' in a separate class

By creating a Computer class, you can take advantage of duck-typing in the game class. The game does not need to know if it's comparing two players or one player vs a computer or even two computers!

Encapsulating the computer into a separate class, but not making it a duck type with Player

The game does not need to know if it's comparing two players or one player vs a computer or even two computers. Computer and Player should share the same interface, so that one can be substituted for another.

Using global variables

You may use one and only one global variable or class variable to store the game. All other objects should be referenced within the game if necessary.

Not storing the weapons in a constant

If you have something like this:

def weapons
  ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']

Then 4 new objects will be created every time you call weapons. Use a constant with symbols instead:

WEAPONS = [:rock, :paper, :scissors]

Inconsistent file naming

Ruby class files should be named with the snake_case version of the class name. Class names should be PascalCase. Hence:


  • class Rps -> rps.rb
  • class RpsWeb -> rps_web.rb


  • class RPS_web -> rps_web.rb
  • class RpsWeb -> rps.rb

Note, naming conventions tend to prefer acronyms to be 'wordified' i.e. RPS becomes Rps or rps as appropriate.

Inconsistent routing and route naming

Routes should not have dual purposes. Each discrete action of your programme should have its own dedicated route (N.B. the route comprises both the verb and the path).

The preferred convention for naming routes is snake_case, e.g. new_game over NewGame.

Defining weapons in more than one place

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)! The list of available weapons should be defined in only one place. It can be passed around or referenced or injected, but not duplicated!

POSTing to /result

Sending a POST to /result implies that you are setting the result rather than submitting a go. /play would be better.

Calling business logic from the view

It is the controller's responsibility to pass the player's weapon to the game and get the result. Use instance variables or helper methods to represent or convert this result for rendering in the view.

Fat controllers

Game logic should be executed in your lib files. You should minimise the amount of logic in the controller by extracting it to the lib files. This helps to ensure your code is testable, maintainable and reusable.

Cleaning the global variable in a before block

By doing this, you are modifying the code before you execute any steps - how do you know the code works in an unmodified state? Better to 'clean' the global variable after each test.

Not initialising capybara correctly

In spec/spec_helper.rb, don't forget to add = MyRackApp or similar. You can use generators such as rspec-sinatra init myApp lib/myapp.rb but beware that the spec_helper will be overwritten, so you may want to save all the CI first.

Overwriting spec_helper

When using generators such as rspec-sinatra beware that spec_helper.rb will be rewritten. Make sure you make a copy of all the pre-written CI code, otherwise you will break your coveralls CI, causing silent failure of your pull request.

Not removing comments before committing

Old code should be deleted before you commit - it is distracting and makes your code hard to read. There is no reason to keep commented-out code - if you are commiting regularly, all your code will be in git so you can easily look back at how it looked before you made changes.