A JavaScript port of Let's Build a Compiler (lbac) by Jack Crenshaw. A non-technical introduction to compiler construction.
Please refer to the original article or alternatively a LaTeX typeset PDF version.
This project is a web application. A console is provided for user interactions. Check out the app and learn by doing.
The lbac-js project structures and workflow were initialized using Yeoman.
First, install node.js and Ruby (for Compass).
Install grunt-cli and bower globally
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Install the Compass gem
gem install compass
Clone the lbac-js repository
git clone git://github.com/malcomwu/lbac-js.git
cd lbac-js
Install node modules defined in package.json
locally to node_modules/
npm install
Install components defined in components.json
to app/componets/
bower install
Preview the web, test and build
grunt server
grunt test
grunt build