A sample code ported "The dance of the plantes" to OCaml, BuckleScript and other languages
- BuckleScript bs
- Canvas2d
- svgjs bucklescript
- Scala.js
- scala-js-dom
- Kotlin/JS
- three.js
- 3D
- OCaml graphics ocaml
- OCaml lalbltk labltk
- OCaml lalblgtk lablgtk
- Java
- C#
- Ruby 2D
- gauche scheme
- gtk-rs(rust)
- Excel
- Excel add-ins (JavaScript)
- Kotlin Android
- Swift iOS
- iPad, iPhone
- Android app with Xamarin and F#
- Turtlestitch !?
- add text to threejs
- animation ?
- javascript + canvas
- Reason
- format from OCaml??
- typescript?
- Qt??
- Prolog??
- language of 3D printer???
- G-code
- simulators https://all3dp.com/1/best-3d-slicer-software-3d-printer/
Takashi Masuyama < [email protected] >