Revamped PauseMenu and Lobby (Part 2)
This is the second part of the Revamp!!
- PauseMenu PlayerListTab and Lobby now have introduced the UIMenu's Pagination system, this means that you can now add up to 5000 items without the menu lagging nor erroring out!!! 🎉 🎉
This may seem just an update.. but it's actually a complete rework of the internal system! You can also set the scrolling type for each column choosing between Classic (default), Paginated and Endless!
Full Changelog: 4.3...4.3.5
❤️❤️ If you enjoy my work and my menus, and you want to support me, you can contribute by donating via PayPal / ko-fi or by buying ScaleformUI on Tebex (You decide the price!)