Initial implementation of Sushi Go! by Martin Liu, as modified by Manveer Kaur and Dan Nygard.
We recommend using Anaconda ( to handle dependencies.
- Jupyter Notebook
- numpy
- scipy
- plotly
- torch
- psycopg2
- You will also need to have postgres installed. lists the connection details.
- pandas
- tqdm
A complete listing of all packages used in our Anaconda environment is in sushi_go_env.yml.
- handles the logic of the game
- You can run one (or multiple) games by adjusting the main method in as you'd like, and running $python
- Player package include a variety of agents that interacts with env. to play the game
- If you add another player class, make sure to include it in
- contains many useful functions for the game, including the distribution of cards and score calculation
- contains database connection information
- test.ipynb is (slightly modified) the Jupyter Notebook of Liu's original training and evaluation games
- extended_test.ipynb contains further tests of our learning rate and reward function variations
- There are a number of other notebook (.ipynb) files containing our experiments:
- DB_againstAllPlayers.ipynb is a jupyter notebook where we play our Q Player with DB against all other players.
- DB_withOtherQPlayers.ipynb is where we play our different Q Players against each other.