Releases: mapbender/mapbender-digitizer
Releases · mapbender/mapbender-digitizer
- updateMultiple now returns a Promise; TableRenderer includes addOrRefreshRow for automatic feature handling post-AJAX call; unique namespace ID for unsaved features enables updates post-AJAX; oldGeometry set after successful updateMultiple call. (PR#133)
- prevent Draw Donut On Non-Digitizer Features (PR#120)
- Enable CSS styling in FormItem for images, and allow images to be displayed in their original size with the EnlargeImage attribute (PR#134)
- Digitizer showed tool icons to edit feature-geometries even when digitizing is disabled (#1647, PR#135)
- Saving new geometries was not possible when allowEdit was not set (PR#135)
- Remove bug that allowed a feature to revert to a status it had before the last save. (PR#123)
- Prevent Draw Donut On Non-Digitizer Features (PR#120)
- Prevent self intersection of polygons not only on modification, but on creation as well (PR#118)
- Allow leaving modification mode on pressing escape (PR#118)
- Allow deletion of vertices on single click (PR#118)
- Prevent self intersection of polygons (PR#118)
- Enable ContextMenu for overlapping features (PR#116)
- Enable loading source refresh by layer name (PR#115)
- Introduce param schema.copy.deactivateOffset - if set to true, no offset is used when copying feature (PR#113)
- Mandatory fields in the form are marked with a red border
- Integrated snap functionality - mouse pointer snaps to every vector geometry
- Integrated DataManagerBundle into this repository (changelog for earlier versions:
- Integrated DataSourceBundle into this repository (changelog for earlier versions:
- Ensure compatibility with Mapbender 4 / Symfony 5.4
- Translation enhancements (PR#96)
- Rename translation files from .yml to .yaml (PR#98)
- Allow specific message for error when not logged in (PR#98)
- Repair Radiobutton (PR#98)
- Add default whitepace: pre-line in text fields to keep formatting (PR#98)
- Allow to set text area height by providing row attribute (PR#98)
- Add option
on root level to disable paging (PR#99) - Allow to set maximumSelectionLength in select2 (type select) (PR#101)
- Make 'eval' in change event error safe (PR#101)
- Allow labelOutline properties in styleAdapter (labelOutlineColor, labelOutlineWidth, labelYOffset, labelXOffset) (PR#101)
- Adjust copy symbol (PR#101)
- Adjust border display of mandatory fields (inputs, select, select2, textarea) (PR#101)
- Adjust display of refresh button (PR#101)
- Allow popup.modal and popup.position (PR#101)
- Allow zoomBuffer parameter (PR#101)
- Replace deprecated 'userName' parameter setting in query builder by contemporary solution (PR#102)
- Added spanish translation (PR#103)
- Use allowRefresh of subschemas in combined schema (PR#108)
- Add empty "adjustStyle" Method that can be overriden if application makes use of attibute-based styles. (PR#109)
- Add default getSnappingLayers Method that can be overriden if application makes use of more snapping layers (PR#110)
- Standardized button style using bootstrap css classes (PR#111)
- Some style changes in Bootstrap css classes (PR#121)