- [LayerTree] If a WMS has several styles, the user now has the option of selecting these in the context menu of the layertree (PR#1636, PR#1648, PR#1674)
- [Manager] Added sort functionality for users, user groups and global permissions (PR#1633)
- [Manager] Added filter for layersets, improved filter for elements and sources (PR#1632)
- [Routing] Added Routing element (PR#1655)
- [LayerTree] Allow de-/activation of a layer via clicking the layername (PR#1641)
- [LayerTree] Toggle state of all sublayers when holding shift while toggling a layer (PR#1664)
- [WMSLoader] Added option to customise feature info format when adding wms via mb-action link (PR#1653)
- [FeatureInfo] Support labels in FeatureInfo-Highlighting (PR#1670)
- [ApplicationSwitcher] Allow reordering applications by drag and drop in manager (PR#1666)
- [POI] Add option to minimize and completely remove POI popup (#1273, PR#1673)
- Fix order of elements within an application could get lost (#PR1682)
- [FeatureInfo] Fix highlighting did not work with multiple layers simultaneously (#PR1680)
- [WMTS] WMTS sources with a TileSize other than 256px and/or individual origins per TileMatrix were not rendered correctly (#PR1663)
- [POI] Fix application crash when poi label is empty (PR#1649)
- [SearchRouter] Always show "no results" message, independent of results.count setting (PR#1668)
- [LayerTree] Added source layers with children did not show up in the layer tree (PR#1637)
- [LayerTree] Update layer title after changing source (PR#1660)
- [SearchRouter] Searching for data stored in a non-global SRS (like UTM32) when map extent is in a global SRS did not always yield all results (PR#1669)
- [BaseSourceSwitcher] Submenu is closed as soon as the mouse pointer moves out of the menu (#PR1644)
- [WMSLoader] Submit button was missing when used in sidepane (#PR1687)
- [WMSLoader] For protected WMS, the user data was not added to legend requests (#PR1667)
- Global permission "delete users" was not evaluated (only root users could delete users) (PR#1646)
- [SimpleSearch] Fix initially selected configuration was not selected in the dropdown menu (#1684, #PR1686)
- Sources now use native ES6 classes instead of prototype pseudo-classes. Easier API for custom layer tree menu items and legends. (PR#1635, PR#1639, PR#1662)
- [Manager] Provide detailed information in all "delete"-dialogs (PR#1631)
- [Security] Make global permission extendable (PR#1693)
- Translation improvements (PR#1654)