When the main loop freezes, this component can kill or restart the current application, just by adding two lines of code.
You can also use the application restart function, for a complete restart of your application.
- A timer activated by the main loop triggers watch function every 250 ms.
- Another timer, triggered by a QThread, checks the status of whatchdog status every 250ms.
- This function should not affect the performance of the application.
- In case the app is suspended, the watchdog timer function restarts.
- When the watchdog timer is activated, the application aborts its execution or restarts (configurable)
create object in main function, just before main loop exec:
mainLoopWdt wdt(true,2000, 5000,0, &app);
return app.exec();
- Ubuntu 20.04
- MacOS Big Sur
- Windows 10
- QML js infinite loop
- C++ infinite loop
- C++ mutex double lock
- Windows : QProcess::startDetached + std::exit (application arguments are kept)
- Linux & macOs : exec (application arguments are kept)
- Windows : cmd.exe
- Linux & MacOs : bash
Main loop WDT for Qt & QML is released under the terms of the GNU LGPL v3 License. Full details in license.txt