The University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, TX
- 5h behind - https://marcel-goldschen-ohm.github.io
- @OhmMarcel
- Pro
Open-source Platform for Scientific and Technical Data Processing and Visualization
Single-molecule trajectory idealization using divisive segmentation and clustering (DISC)
PyQt/PySide UI for graphing (x,y) slices of Xarray datasets.
JS utils functions to query a Wikibase instance and simplify its results
Plot line plots, like time-series data, very quickly in Matlab.
UI property editors for a QObject or a QObjectList.
Serialization of QObject property tree <==> QVariantMap <==> {Json, XML, ...}
qimage2ndarray is a small python extension for quickly converting between QImages and numpy.ndarrays (in both directions).
Provides a PIL based capture interface to multi-part tiffs, allowing them to be used more easily with OpenCV.
C++ utility for parsing/evaluating matrix math equations input at run time in a format similar to MATLAB (requires Eigen for matrix math).