Make sure you have cloned the repo and installed docker
on your machine.
- Navigate to the root of apache-airflow-demo folder via your terminal.
- Run the following command:
docker compose build && docker compose up airflow-init && docker compose up
- To access the most relevant services follow the following links or use the following connection string to access the postgres database:
- Airflow UI
- Adminer
- Superset UI
- postgres://airflow:airflow@postgres/airflow?sslmode=disable
If you want to connect via Azure Data Studio use the following and make sure you have the PostgreSQL extension for Azure Data Studio:
Server name: localhost
User name: airflow
Password: airflow
Database name: airflow
- To stop all services and remove all containers run the following command inside the root of apache-airflow-demo folder via your terminal:
docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
graph TD
subgraph Airflow containere
direction LR
Scheduler[Scheduler] --> Webserver[Webserver]
Scheduler --> Worker1[Worker]
Scheduler --> Database[Metadata database]
Worker1 --> Database
Webserver --> Database
subgraph Broker queue
direction TB
Redis[Redis] --> Worker1
subgraph Uavhengige containere
direction TB
fake_data_generator[Fake Data Generator] --> DataSource1[postgres]
DataSource1[postgres] <--> Worker1[Worker]
Supserset[Superset] --> DataSource1[postgres]