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Georg Richter edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 2 revisions


mariadb_connect - Connect to a database server using a connection string


#include <mysql.h>

MYSQL *mariadb_connect(MYSQL * mysql, const char *conn_str);


Establishes a connection to a database using the parameters in connection string.


  • mysql - mysql handle, which was previously allocated by mysql_init() and connected by mysql_real_connect().
  • conn_str- Connection string, containig connection parameters. A connection string contains key/value pairs, separated by a semicolon as used in ODBC. Supported keys are all configuration options which can be used in MariaDB configuration files. For a complete list check the chapter configuration files.

Return value

Returns a MYSQL * handle or NULL on error.


  • The connection string must contain at least one semicolon, otherwise it wil be interpreted as hostname.
  • Unknown or invalid keys will be ignored
  • mariadb_connect is not a function, but a macro which maps to mysql_real_connect: #define mariadb_connect(mysql, conn_str) mysql_real_connect((mysql),(conn_str), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)


if (!mariadb_connect(mysql, "host=localhost;database=test;ssl_enforce=1"))
  printf("Error: %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
  return 1;


mariadb_connect() was added in Connector/C 3.3.0

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