Software to build CLAS12 systems geometry and digitization plugins
CLAS12 systems that use the coatjava geometry service to share geometry between simulation and recontruction use groovy to import the geometry parameters. To install coatjava:
Download coatjava:
To create volume parameters for a system, run the groovy scripts through the runFactories script:
cd groovyFactories systemName
The ci produce a pdf screenshot for each variations in all systems:
| al27 | apollo_nd3 | apollo_nh3 | bonus | c12 | cu63 | hdice | ld2 | lh2 | longitudinal | nd3 | nh3 | pb208 | pb_test | pol_targ | sn118 | transverse |
| ELMO | FTOff | FTOn | TransverseUpstreamBeampipe | rghFTOn | rghFTOut |
The validation performed for the CLAS12 systems includes the following workflows
- Geometry and plugin builds
- Overlap tests
- Tests specific to each system
- Validation against gemc2 geometry
- Run dawn and archive a pdf screenshot for each variations in all systems