My open software & open science work:
- NumFOCUS DISC steering committee member 2022 - 2024
- Jupyter distinguished contributor
- PyLadies Berlin and Women of Color Code co-organizer
- NASA's subject matter expert @TOPS program
✨ Coordination Research: complex systems and reinforcement learning:
I believe the most critical problem that we face today is the one of coordination, so I'm dedicating a big part of my time to work on it!
- Research Software Engineer @Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
- Researcher @BarfussLab, University of Bonn
🌱 Slowly cultivated interests:
- Extreme poverty reduction: I'm interested in ways of decreasing the inequality gap, paying special attention to people living in extreme poverty. I think about running tech intership projects in the global south, implementing a fitting pedagogical ethos for kids impacted with poverty, teaching farmers about permaculture and supporting them with an NGO and increasing internet access in the world.
- Governance and open source: Increasing interoperability and people's agency in a world of machines and humans. Currently, I'm interested in promoting digital democracy supporting work like vodle or the Plurality Institute.
- Software fun projects
- Reading books
🦄 Communicorn:
Community is my favorite thing in the universe! If you think we can have a serendipitous interaction, hit me up! I love to collaborate with others. ✨
- I host dinners and salons in Berlin. Themes we talked about include "The limits of free speech", "Spirituality and rituals", "Rethinking future socio-economic structures and institutions", "How to be moral", etc. If you are a Berliner or a passer-by and would like to join we welcome first-timers, just send me an email!
- I'm starting an intentional community house in Berlin to live with my friends. It's generally centered in doing good to the world and endulging in nerdyness, here's a link for an initial sketch of out vision. If you are interested in joining or in helping, just send me an email introducing yourself.
📝 Writing:
- Research blog:
- Posts about open science softwares I maintain(ed):
- Personal blog where I explore computer science topics:
- Personal blog about my travellings that contemplate aspects of digital nomading and community building:
🧠 Want to hire my beautiful brains?:
If you are a tech-recruiter, please take the time to answer these two questions. For research positions or other kinds of or collaboration (see the community tab on my personal website) feel free to send me an email and/or grab a time in my calendar
- You can find a list here
"Typelists are devoid of any value: Their bodies are empty, they don't hold any state, and they don't define any functionality." - Alexandrescu
"To inform means to convey knowledge via facts. The purpose of that is to give shape to the mind." - Rich Hickey
"Life is short, craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult." - Hippocrates
"We are not studying in order to know what virtue is, but to become good, for otherwise there would be no profit in it." - Aristotle
"Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen! Moloch whose name is the Mind!" - Ginsberg