The Game Tracker app allows users to search for board games, through different categories. Also, it shows a detail view for each game that the user selects featuring information as a minimum and maximum number of players, the playtime, a description, game images uploaded by other players, and videos about the game.
Xcode version 14.1
Swift version 5.7
Minimum deployment iOS 15.5
The application uses Board Game Atlas Api Key. Get a API Key before running the project.
- Replace YOUR_API_KEY
private struct APIDefinitions {
static let APIKey = APIConstant.apiKey // replace for "YOUR_API_KEY"
static let searchMethod = ""
- MVC Design Pattern
- UICollectionView using Diffable Data Source
- ViewCode
- Reusable Cells
- RESTful API request from Board Games Atlas
- Swift Package Manager (Framework: KingFisher, MarkdownKit)
- Data persistence using Realm and UserDefaults
- Light and Dark Mode support