Kubernetes Cluster: kubeadm mgmt plane + 1 master ctrl plane + 2.. worker data plane
cd kube-box
bash build.sh
vi Vagrantfile
# modify variables
vagrant up
After creation ssh into the box and try first commands...
vagrant ssh m01
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get services
│ m01 │
│ │ │
┌─────▼─────┐ ┌─────▼─────┐ ┌─────▼─────┐
│ w01 │ │ w02 │ │ ... │
└───────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────────┘
According to Vagrantfile, the network for the machines is /etc/hosts files are updated automatically, m01.local is the master, w01.local and w02.local are the names of the worker nodes.
m01 hosts an insecure docker registry (docker-distribution).
The registry URL is m01.local:5000, so images can be pushed using
docker push m01.local:5000/my/image:tag